Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease: How Can A Body be Healthy if the Mouth has Disease?

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Our patients have come a long way in understanding the mouth is a part of the body. This course is to provide the clinician with an overview of the new periodontal classification and how risk factors impact your classification. Becky Horst, RDH, will provide information necessary to make professional decisions in the process of dental hygiene care.

Learning Objectives:
- Understand the new periodontal classification system
- Will know how certain risk factors are related to new periodontal disease classification
- Identify therapies for patients to achieve whole mouth health This webinar is sponsored by Colgate.

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I recently drove over 300 miles from home to find a dentist who has both a phase contrast microscope and a laser. I had pocket depths that ran as deep as 6 mm. Gum bleeding was only an occasional issue. Most days I didn't see it. It was found that I have a severe infestation of amoebas. The usual spinning rods and gliding rods were also found. However no spirochetes or trichomonad were found. Laser therapy and deep cleaning were performed at the dentist's office. The dentist prescribed short term use of Chlorhexidine to be followed by short term use of CPC antiseptic. Both were to be applied using a WaterPik. What are your thoughts on what should have been done?
