living alone / ep1

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#vlog #gym #motivation #maskedbattalion #maskedmentality

Music credit
Track: Matrix Theme - Clubbed to Death (MCTR Remix)
Music provided by MCTR

Check out the artist's pages!

Soundcloud: / mctrbass
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Living alone at a young age teaches you responsibility and patience no matter the negative you might feel lonely all the time but it's better than living in a house where you are not appreciated and criticized every day


Living alone has it's sentimental value. It gives you peace, it teaches you how to be. It's a form of a meditation.


I can hardly believe how many teens like this exist in real life. I'm truly grateful for the Internet, as it allows us to share our experiences, mistakes, lessons, and moments of fun with one another. It gives me the opportunity to watch, learn, and grow from other people's lives


This guy is crazy with everything he does.
His actions have also changed the way alot of people think
. 🗣👌🔥👍


Man, you are my ideal, my life right now is shit I am doing nothing but laying around I have so much work to do but my brain is fucked up only scrolling I don't know if you are reading this or not but you are great and I want to become something like you, a kind hardworking person
Thank you for being my inspiration


As a 20 yr old who lives alone it’s refreshing to see that I’m not the only one who struggles, I’m a new fan of the channel now


Congratulations brother!, you're part of the few people that sacrifice like this and I respect you for that, about 0:10, bicycles are worth it, not just for saving money but also changes lifestyles, i.e. me.


I live alone, I'm 43 years old. I've almost forgotten how to communicate with people. 5 days a week at work I sometimes communicate with 1 person and even then very little. It's not as wonderful and romantic as it seems. Find yourself someone, otherwise you'll get used to it, like me.


i saw this video on my feed and the comments are so wholesome. so much motivation and love from so many people, this really shows that some people do care about you and want you to succeed in ur goals.


Living alone in Chicago, far far away from any family, from Feb 2005 to Feb 2007. It was special time, I was 23-25 years old, and world looked very different. Continue what are you doing. The reward will come to your doorstep one day. Believe me.


been there a decade back. A life lesson I wish someone had told me, that learning how to cook a couple of really easy, but really tasty dishes makes a huge, huge difference in self-worth.


this was amazing for someone making their first vlog, you nailed the shots and the ambience and the color grading


Enjoy your journey mate, whatever your aiming for and wherever your going, you’ll get there, I just hope it’s quicker than you or I expect it to be.

Lived myself for years now and at 30 it’s been a hard hard road. You’ll do it though. Trial and error.

But, someone once said to me “don’t miss the journey focusing on the destination” more often or not, it’s the striving for better and the constant attempt at being more which is the best part, never be afraid to up the anti when needed.

Bless up from Scotland dude. You’re killing it for real.


I’ve spent most of my years living alone, and while it’s been fun in its own way, I can’t help but feel it’s not the healthiest path in the long run. Life takes on a deeper, more fulfilling meaning with the presence of a kind, understanding partner of the opposite gender, someone who can share in the journey and make the simple moments feel extraordinary.


I absolutely love this man's account, he is humble, kind, judges no one, and doesn't start competitions with random people online. Everytime I see a video from this dudes account it's never anything negative. Keep up the good work, take care. 👍🏻


This man is truly an inspiration.❤ keep grinding brother.


I’ve been following you for a long time, inspired me to fully convert to endurance calesthenics. Because of the masked mentality, I was able to push myself on pull days and now I can do 6 muscle ups in a row at the age of 16. 68kg and bulking


Don’t stop training it’s when you don’t want to do it anymore is exactly when you should.


Living alone has advantages but also drawbacks depending on your situation.

I had significant difficulties in managing to get my own apartment because of my relatively low income and ethnic background, all while living at home in a broken household with fights all the time. So when I finally got my apartment it lifted tons of stress of my mind but I started living on my own at a relatively late age which comes with new kinds of stress because of all the stuff I had to learn besides getting other parts of my life together.

Negative experiences in the past made me isolate myself from other people. I currently don't have friends or family and am just focused on working towards financial stability and maybe genuine friendship.

What I want to say is that living alone can elevate you or it can lead you down a downward spiral if you're already going through it and don't have social support.


Hang in there mate you are going to make it keep pushing forward it's tuff I have been there but there is light at the end of the tunnel.
