The Safari Zone: Tour of Kanto

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X/Twitter: @paraspectre

First we looked at Lavender Town, then Cinnabar Island, then the Kanto Power Plant, then Mt. let's check out probably the most unique place in the original games: the Safari Zone.

Special thanks to Mah-Dry-Bread for allowing me to use his save file from the Red Version.

#pokemon #safarizone #pokemonredandblue
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Fun fact about the zoo. The fossil pokemon is whichever fossil you didn't choose in Mt. Moon.


"and honestly [Tauros] isn't too bad..."

understatement of the century


I love how you can hear the smile in his voice when he starts talking about Paras


Safari Zone was pretty much THE competitive hunting ground. Tauros, Exeggecutor, Chansey, Dragonite, Rhydon


"I have not heard anyone saying that Pinsir is their favorite Pokemon"

My guy does not watch Big Yellow confirmed.


Tohjo Falls would be a cool one to explore when you hit Gen II. It was always one of those "Oh yeah, it exists" places in Pokemon.


That banned episode was not the first anime episode to show a gun. In the episode where Ash catches Squirtle, some people at a store point guns at him when they think he's there to rob them. And, btw, this scene was NOT edited out of the US version.


The Safari Zone was so exciting to me as a kid. It was such a nice change of pace, and there were so many exclusive pokemon there.


Why is cubone found in the safari zone? cough kangaskhan conspiracy theory


I think my favorite memory of the Safari Zone was actually the Missingno glitch.

Mechanically speaking, I read an article explained why the glitch worked as it drew on data that didnt really exist. As a young kid I went "what if I made it load data on ANOTHER field" then found out about loading safari zone 3 into the cinnabar area. Then I was amazed; I can catch all these guys WITHOUT safari balls!

I felt amazing after that revelation.


Finally I understand how ash randomly had 30 tauros in the anime. That region locked lore


Gen 1 Chansey is totally worth using. Special was a stat that pulled double duty so both it's special attack and defense were good. Throw an ice beam TM at it and it'll do work, while also tanking enemy special moves with ease. I think it can also learn Amnesia... so... terrifying.
Edit: Chansey can not, in fact, learn amnesia. The rest of my point still stands.


Not a fan of the mechanics of the Safari Zone, but I like how it contributes to the worldbuilding of Kanto. Exclusive mons there like Rhyhorn and Kangaskhan are considered quite rare in universe, no wonder the leader of the evil organization has them in his team.


I’m obsessed with these videos! I would love to see you do the seafoam islands, as I’ve always loved them. You can even catch Jynx there in the Japanese blue version! Ice & water are my favorite types too.

Or maybe do a video about all the Pokémon you can get by fishing? I feel like that could be interesting.


I remember a friend calling me saying it was an emergency. His emergency was that he encountered a Tauros and didn't know how he should catch it.


23:20 Idk man, Chansey's like the only Pokemon that's able to poitentially stand up to Mewtwo in Gen 1.


10:05 Actually the gender association of color got inverted a few centuries ago.

For the western world, blue was for girl, associated to the virgin Marie, while red / pink was the color reserved for mens, due to the association with military / blood.

So yes, meaning associated to colors change over time even within the same culture


I love the safari zone because it makes me think about where certain pokemon are from in universe. Like exegutor is a gen 1 mon, but we know they're originally from alola.
I imagine that scyther and pinsir are from the sevii islands, specifically the pattern bush. Kangaskhan are found in the wilds of kalos, so they probably originate from there, along with dratini and dragonair. Paras probably thrive in the stable, humid environment.
As far as doduo and venonat, i imagine some escaped from the zone and found new spots to thrive. Venonat, in the shady banks south of Lavender Town, and doduo racing cyclists up and down the road
This is one of my favorite things to think about in pokemon.
Sometimes i wonder if its connected to team rocket, with Giovanni using pokemon found there and it seeming to close shortly after Team Rocket disband


Ash actually had several guns pointed at him in the Squirtle Squad episode. As for me, I just assumed that I had missed the episode where Ash had caught all those Tauros and was hoping I'd catch it on a rerun.


As someone who lives in a small Florida town near a dilapidated zoo, i can confirm there are in fact zoos where you should bring your own hedge trimmers lol
