Polymorphism in java | Compile time Polymorphism in java | Method Overloading |with Example | part 1
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In this video, I explained and showed How to use and when to use Polymorphism in java program. And types of Polymorphism in java. With Real-time Examples. In this video, I Explained Compile time polymorphism in java and various ways to achieve using method overloading.
Topics Covered
0:00:00 Topic introduction Definition & Types
0:02:40 Examples with Diagram
0:09:17 Programmatic Examples
0:33:20 Compiler Ambiguous
0:34:40 type promotion Examples
0:05:30 What is overloading in java
0:42:20 Can we achieve Method Overloading by changing the return type
0:44:10 Can we Overload Main Method in Java
0:46:15 Can we achieve Method Overloading by changing the return type
0:48:00 var-args in java with method overloading
0:52:00 Object class is the parent class of all the class in java
0:55:30 Real-time Examples
1:00:00 Attach JDK source in Eclipse
1:02:12 String class source code in java
1:03:00 Overloading Example
1:04:00 Real-time usage
1:06:00 conclusion
Polymorphism is one of the OOPs features that allow us to perform a single action in different ways.
The process of representing one form in multiple forms is known as Polymorphism.
Polymorphism(Greek words) means many forms.
Using polymorphism, we can achieve flexibility and readability in our code because we can perform various operations by using methods with the same names according to requirements.
Polymorphism can be either static or dynamic depending on how the method is called in a class.
Types: compile-time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism.
We can perform polymorphism in java by method overloading(Compile-time/Static Polymorphism)
and method overriding(Runtime polymorphism or Dynamic Method Dispatch)
overloading :
If a class has multiple methods having the same name but different in parameters, it is known as Method Overloading.
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compile-time polymorphism,
Static Polymorphism,
Runtime polymorphism,
Dynamic Method Dispatch,
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Types of Polymorphism in java,
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Topics Covered
0:00:00 Topic introduction Definition & Types
0:02:40 Examples with Diagram
0:09:17 Programmatic Examples
0:33:20 Compiler Ambiguous
0:34:40 type promotion Examples
0:05:30 What is overloading in java
0:42:20 Can we achieve Method Overloading by changing the return type
0:44:10 Can we Overload Main Method in Java
0:46:15 Can we achieve Method Overloading by changing the return type
0:48:00 var-args in java with method overloading
0:52:00 Object class is the parent class of all the class in java
0:55:30 Real-time Examples
1:00:00 Attach JDK source in Eclipse
1:02:12 String class source code in java
1:03:00 Overloading Example
1:04:00 Real-time usage
1:06:00 conclusion
Polymorphism is one of the OOPs features that allow us to perform a single action in different ways.
The process of representing one form in multiple forms is known as Polymorphism.
Polymorphism(Greek words) means many forms.
Using polymorphism, we can achieve flexibility and readability in our code because we can perform various operations by using methods with the same names according to requirements.
Polymorphism can be either static or dynamic depending on how the method is called in a class.
Types: compile-time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism.
We can perform polymorphism in java by method overloading(Compile-time/Static Polymorphism)
and method overriding(Runtime polymorphism or Dynamic Method Dispatch)
overloading :
If a class has multiple methods having the same name but different in parameters, it is known as Method Overloading.
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Java in Telugu,
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java in the Telugu language,
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java in Telugu for beginners,
compile-time polymorphism,
Static Polymorphism,
Runtime polymorphism,
Dynamic Method Dispatch,
Polymorphism in java,
What is Polymorphism in java,
Types of Polymorphism in java,
Attach JDK source in Eclipse,
source not found in eclipse,
core java in Telugu.