Your Gut Microbiome: 3 Facts that will BLOW your Mind

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Meet your gut microbiome, the microbes in your gut. The microbiome can help you lose weight, fight inflammation and prevent diabetes. A look at 3 mind-blowing facts about the gut microbiome.

Today we look at our microbiome, the bugs in our gut. It can help us lose weight and avoid disease. How do we keep our microbiome in good shape to improve our health?

5 mind-blowing facts about the gut microbiome.

We are made up of both human and microbial cells, and the microbes may actually be the majority. 99% of the genes we carry are in our microbiome. All the genes in our body, human or microbial, can impact our health.

Why do all these bacteria hang on to us? Fiber isn't excreted unchanged. The soluble fiber in our food gets fermented and broken down by the bacteria in our gut.

Our microbiome can help with weight loss. We think fiber is just bulk. Bacteria break down fiber to produce short chain fatty acids. Soon everyone will know about short chain fatty acids.

Do you sometimes overeat? Microbiome to the rescue. Short chain fatty acids help us eat less. Short chain fatty acids cause the cells in our gut wall to produce hormones that reduce our appetite.

In rodents short chain fatty acids cross the gut wall and influence the brain to reduce appetite. So our microbiome and short chain fatty acids help us feel satiated with less food.

Our microbiome also helps us fight disease. Our microbiome eats fiber and produces short chain fatty acids. Short chain fatty acids feed our gut wall and prevent leaky gut, fight inflammation and reduce our risk of colon cancer. They can also protect us against diabetes.

Scientists took people with diabetes and fed them a high-fiber diet rich in whole grains. The high-fiber, whole grain-rich diet was more effective at lowering blood sugar. This effect was tied to specific gut bacteria.

Fiber and short chain fatty acids can help with weight loss. Hormones produced by gut wall in response to short chain fatty acids also regulate insulin and glucose metabolism. It’s amazing that the bugs in our gut can help us fight diabetes and that eating more fiber can get our microbiome fired up.

Ok, Microbes are alright. Growing a strong microbiome can be as simple as feeding it. including a variety of fiber sources in your diet. Another great tool are fermented foods. They include fiber as well as bacteria.

More on gut health in this video on irritable bowel or IBS.

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Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical care. The information presented herein is accurate and conforms to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Nutrition Made Simple!.

#NutritionMadeSimple #GilCarvalho

Quick intro to the microbiome with some of the most striking studies I've seen. This is an area I want to create a LOT more content on, both because it's an exploding research field with tons of exciting findings and because the number of people with gut health issues is increasing and there is rampant confusion!


Can’t listen useless information any longer after I found this guy and also all the people he interviewed are amazing expert. You are a gift and hope and Thank you 🙏


The thing about whole grains is that they don't really have that much fiber - less than 10% of the carbohydrates. If you're trying to get > 40 grams of fiber per day, then legumes are a MUCH more efficient source, and take care of your protein needs to. Legumes are the true superfood.


Love your CTC (cut through the crap) videos! Thank you!


You are a treasure of information. I watch all your posts. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and guidance in a world where it can be so easy to make disastrous nutritional decisions.


Love whole grains, they taste better, not so sickly sweet but have a nice nutty flavor.👍
I do slightly low carb only because I want fiber. I‘m only reducing on refined carbs and add healthy fats instead. Kinda like Mediterranean. I hope it is still beneficial to my gut biome not going high carb.😊


I recently discovered your channel and really enjoy it!! Thanks for making nutrition science fun and easy to understand!!


Interesting and informative as always.


Absolutely brilliant, please keep'em coming!!! Abraços


Muito bom como sempre, Doutor! Por favor, continue nos trazendo a ciência por trás nutrição.


I recently watched a video and did some (not very comprehensive) research on salt. The video I watched suggested that the current recommendations for salt are too low (except if you already have high blood pressure), and suggested a higher salt intake may lead to less risk in developing high blood pressure. All of this is to say, that I'd love if you could do a video on salt and sodium! Excellent video as usual, thank you!


Great vid, thank you, will make some changes to my diet 😎


I’ve been seeing a lot about gut microbiome recently. I believe that the more we think of ourselves as ecosystems and not just bodies the healthier we will become.


Very nice video thanks for sharing it!
The microbiome is the reason why some of us get sick why others stay perfectly healthy while eating almost the same foods. I think often it ultimately comes down to the effect of our microbiome on our immune system. For instance, butyrate is a powerful stimulator of Treg cells (one of my favorite microbiome sub-topics ;) )


Totally! We're mostly microbiome DNA, which is pretty cool to think about!

And the link to soluble fiber is so important! Short-chain fatty acids are becoming more commonplace in lab testing too!

And the links to high-fiber carbs and lowered risk of diabetes is something that needs to become more mainstream. The idea of "all carbs are bad" is crazy. It all comes down to the quality (and, coincidentally, fiber content).

Also, as an aside with the stool transplants. There are some studies with dogs that have crazy success rates with fecal transplants (like 90% success rates). Apparently this is pretty common in vet clinics, but for whatever reason has not been tried too often with humans yet...


Thanks for the quality content. Well explained and easy to understand.


You may want to look into natto as well. While the base product is also soybeans, just like miso and tempeh, It is much tastier. I consider it the Époisses of the soybean world and it is my personal favourite. There is, of course, also "stinky tofu" but since that is extremely high in salt (as miso is) it may not be the best choice, at least not for larger quantities.


Amazing explanation back up with research 😀👍💪


Excellent topic and video. I have so much to learn about gut bacteria.


What an amazing video, thks for bringing such an informative content to this platform!! Also I don't see this as clickbait, as long as the information you present is valid and correct I don't think is wrong to try to make it more visible and impactful, is the only way nowadays to make a place on YouTube.
