A Threat Approaches... Should I Shoot?

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This is a question we get often... and the answer is never simple.

Today, Kevin Michalowski and Brock Majkowski tackle an all-too-common scenario.

You can't take the law into your own hands, but when a victim is in danger, you have to make a crucial decision and act based on your local laws and your training. Always make sure the proper authorities are alerted to the crime, if possible.

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I was told once it's not "should I shoot", but "must I shoot". That advice stuck with me.


The folks who live in states where you have to retreat from your own home need to vote in new reps. That is just wrong.


Louisiana resident here.
Our Stand Your Ground laws are very straight forward. If the assailant attacks your door with the intent of breaking it down, you're legally allowed to start shooting. If the assailant is outside and has a weapon such as a hammer or a gun or something else that can damage your door or harm you through it, you can shoot.

If the assailant actually enters your home, he has effectively killed himself. No ifs ands or buts about it. And that's how it should be in every state.


Be very very careful when you think to go help a stranger. There have been cases when the victim testified against his/her savior.


Must retreat from your own house while being in fear of your own life as a intruder breaks in and steals everything. Unbelievable


Excellent Video, Need MORE like this Kevin


Hey Kevin.. Here in missouri we use to have a retreat law until january of this yr. They passed a stand your ground law. Great Video and Great Advice....


I already made up my mind years ago! I have a wife to defend and I’m not retreating anywhere inside my own home! No need to get twisted into a pretzel about defending my family or myself especially in a home invasion situation. Your natural God given instinct takes over.


Someone breaches my front door, MY law says I can start shooting!


Excellent advice Kevin, that isn' a scenario that I would have thought about but now I know should it ever happen to me...


100% correct in your info. But I'd suggest telling the caller he should have dialed 911 before he left his house. Perhaps carrying the phone with him. That way if it comes to trial, some bottom feeding lawyer can't accuse him of being a vigilante.


If I understand the context of your answer correctly, even “IF” the Perpetrator enters your home, after you have retreated there, and secured any “Ingress”, you still have a duty to retreat further? Does “your Home is your Castle”, or “Stand your Ground” only come into effect after exhausting all of the places in your Home to retreat to? I question, per the situation you described, that someone who has already shown themselves to be a threat, and would have to aggressively enter your Home deserves a higher standard of protection. Please clarify. Thank you.


Just found this channel, I definitely will be watching this a lot since I’ll soon be a new gun owner and don’t want to get screwed if I defend myself


I love your videos, they have made me rethink everything. I'm 50 years old a man and I'm not in horrible shape but the neighborhood I live in has went to hell over the last 25 year's. I have always carried a knife, and or a baton. But it appears to me that during a confrontation from a legal standpoint, you actually have to be cowardice towards your attacker... I know that doesn't come from you and you guys don't make the rules but our law makers almost seem to lean towards the criminal element?? What's your take on that?


Criminals have more rights than the victims..

Something wrong with that

A guy chases you and you retreat into your house lock the door and then he breaks in your home and you have to retreat to a room and he still has rights breaking in your house that ain't right

Ain't nothing right about that


I actually was faced with a similar situation a few years ago, and since I possess law enforcement training and armed security experience, I had my wife call 911 while I proceeded to help the young lady with a 1911 in my hand.


Never be unarmed to where you have to retreat back to your home.


Lmao i love how quick n to the point this is.

Contact 911.
Revert to an advantageous position to escape and/or defend.
If that position becomes compromised IE bad guy busts in; make clear commands and then fire.
Sit still. Hands on head, phone still with dispatch. I think the scariest scenario is being misidentified as a bad guy and getting shot by first responders. So remain calm, disarm when threat is neutralized and trust that the evidence is on your side. Don't be holding a loaded gun when the officers arrive.


After you have shot the bad person would you not want to hang up and call USCCA before the cops show up?


I dont give a dime about the law honestly. I have a family to defend and that says all.
