Real Estate Jobs To Do With A Law Degree - Community Development Jobs
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In this interview, Hirshman tells JDCOT host Marc Luber how this career path is a unique and rewarding blend of real estate development, economic development, tax law, finance and social justice. Although law degrees aren't required for community development jobs, Hirshman tells us that these roles make great careers for lawyers as a result of the legal skills that regularly come into play. Those looking for jobs to do with a law degree have a definite advantage for breaking in.
Law grads looking for law degree jobs that help society may be drawn to this path. By overseeing tax credit investments in renewable energy, affordable housing, new markets and historic building rehabilitation, you are helping the community while simultaneously helping the bank comply with the Community Reinvestment Act.
Whether you're in law school or wondering what to do with a law degree, you may want to check out community development jobs. In the full interview at JDCOT, Hirshman tells us how to break in to community development jobs and explains a typical day, what skills and personality types best fit this path, and how to succeed.