How To Get Into Stanford GSB | Essential Advice from an Admissions Expert

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Calling all those applying to Stanford GSB! If you’re currently seeking Stanford MBA success, why not take five minutes to listen to some Stanford business school application advice from an MBA admissions expert?

Angela Guido is back on this week’s #MBAMonday with some insights on how to tackle your MBA application to the world’s most competitive business school. You’re going to love this unique approach to figuring out how to write about what matters most to you and why? Angela shows you how to read between the lines of the Stanford GSB application and essay questions to tell your unique story. Follow her guidance to show the Stanford admissions committee you’re a Stanford kinda person!
#MBAMonday #StanfordGSB


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Can I ask do us universities ask all degree I studied or just one degree?
In my first ug degree due to medical issue I just had 3.1gpa(9years ago) but in other ug and masters degree I had 4 gpa(completed 3 years ago).. Which degree adcom will prefer?
