Singing anything from Fear Inoculum and playing it simultaneously, on an acoustic guitar, is a 200 out of 10 difficulty.
Not even watched the entire thing but know my mind is about to be blown.
YOU are invincible, Peter! Sky is the limit ❤
You are loved friend, heavenly light my brother.
First off, to remember every part of the song and play it flawlessly and sing over top of it, that's what you call some serious talent. Vocals are really great. This was rockin!!
absolutely sick. and here i am learning how to play the first two minutes of this song for the last half a year and cannot relax my right hand enough to actually play it. and theres this guy who actually does it and also kinda arranges the song by his own standards and it sounds original, yet familiar and then also sings like a demigod as well with his shitty headphones and cheap yamaha. i loved every second of this! i want to cry. please never stop!
You sir are one of the rare people on the planet who inspire me to both destroy my instruments and play more at the same time. Well done.
You are something special, this is just so damn good. I loved this. Great voice, great guitar and a strange ability to make acoustic Tool seem so expansive 🤘🔥🤘
I’d pay to watch you live. Thanks for sharing your talent and love of a lot of our favorite music.
Another brilliant Tool cover. Thankyou, Peter. 🔧🤘
How is it the algorithm gods have overlooked you so far? Seriously talented!!!
Came here with high expectations from your other work, and was still blown away.
My favourite tool song ever and you absolutely nailed it! ❤
Incredible brother!
I’m hoping and praying 7empest is in the works.
Every..Single.. One.. is above and beyond the norm.. something else entirely
Need to see you live man.. Bucket list added. 😻😻😻
You got me reading a few things from a very, very far away past. Nostalgia kicked in, I opened Youtube and found this just released. You hit the nail and made me cry. Congratulations on another superb version.
The guitar tone and those vocals just blew me the fuck away. That was awesome man!
I love seeing the other Spiker fans who get here early. ;) rock on!
The tool army approves this. You are incredible my friend well done
The whole family listened in rapt silence. Afterwards, wife said she envisaged a wizard in the woods when your voice comes in at 6:38. Son exclaimed "Peter Spiker is the best chanteur in the world!". No argument there from me! I'm just overjoyed that they appreciate as much as I do.
Mesmerising! How are you actually doing that? Phenomenal talent and a perfect voice for Tool covers!