TV7 Editor’s Note: Jonathan Hosts Dr. Rafael Bardaji & Col. (Ret.) Richard Kemp
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Jonathan Hosts Dr. Rafael Bardaji, CEO of Worldwide Strategy and former National Security Advisor of Spain, and Col. (Ret.) Richard Kemp, former Head of the International Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Team at the British Cabinet Office.
The main discussion assesses the implications for the Middle East region of the outcome of the war, as well as implications for Europe with regards to such issues such as immigration and stability of the EU.
Also discussed is the upcoming American elections and the implications a change of administration could have on foreign policy moving forward.
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The main discussion assesses the implications for the Middle East region of the outcome of the war, as well as implications for Europe with regards to such issues such as immigration and stability of the EU.
Also discussed is the upcoming American elections and the implications a change of administration could have on foreign policy moving forward.
Listen to TV7 Israel News latest War updates also on our podcast
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#IsraelNews #tv7israelnews #newsupdates #IsraelAtWar #IsraelUnderAttack
#Jerusalem #IronSwords
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