Deep Sleep with Relaxing Blizzard - Cozy Winter Hut, Snowfall Sounds, Howling Wind and 4k Fireplace

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Fall into a deep sleep with relaxing blizzard. A cozy winter hut, the sounds of snowfall, howling wind and a 4k fireplace will warm your soul and relax your body and mind. If you suffer from anxiety, insomnia, if you can't sleep and are worried about nervous tension, then this winter video with snowfall, wind sounds, blizzard sounds, howling winter sounds, blizzard sounds will instantly make you feel better. You will feel relaxed and your mental health will improve. Natural winter sounds will relieve stress and bring peace and tranquility to your home.

Continuation of a story:
" When Mr. Annington returned to the room, he saw that the woman was sitting on the edge of the chair, and a small child was sleeping in her arms. As it turned out later, her name was Rose. He brought a tray with hot tea and apple pie on it. He put all this on the table next to the chair, and then sat down on the floor closer to the guest and said: “Help yourself, drink hot tea, you need to warm up after the cold weather.” The woman thanked him and took a cup of tea. Mr. Annington continued: “Tell me, after all, what happened to you, why you ended up in the winter forest at night, and how can I help you?” The woman replied: “The fact is that my husband works in a quarry, for an ore mining company, in the town of Tensville, 15 miles from here. He comes home every weekend. But this weekend he could not come because his car broke down. Therefore, this weekend I decided to come with the baby to him, since we missed him. On the way, it began to snow heavily, and my car got stuck in a snowdrift. I didn’t know what to do, and to my happiness, I saw your house in the distance. Without hesitation, I came to you to ask for help." Mr. Annington listened to everything carefully and said: “I will, of course, help you. But next time, think before you go somewhere in this weather. Today it’s late, you’ll spend the night in my house. And tomorrow I’ll go on my excavator and pull out your car is out of a snowdrift." The next day, Rose woke up in an unfamiliar room, and at first she could not understand where she was, only later did she remember that she was visiting. Her baby also woke up and was in a good mood. She heard the sound of a motor outside the window, it was the sound of her car. Looking out the window, she saw Mr. Annington driving her car to the house. Then he prepared breakfast. At the table, she thanked him: “Thank you! You have helped Ben and me a lot. We will be leaving soon. How can I thank you for your help and hospitality?” - “The best gratitude for me will be that you are safe and with your husband. The blizzard has already ended, the roads seem to have also begun to clear. Therefore, you can slowly go to your husband, he will be glad to see you.” Rose did just that. Within an hour, she and baby Ben arrived to see her husband and father, which made him immensely happy, because the whole family was together! "

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The story above is fictional and written for entertainment purposes only.


© Rainy Guy, 2024. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio/text is prohibited.
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Привет из Петербурга!
Очень простая и незамысловатая история, но такая добрая. А добра нам сейчас, ох, как не хватает. Что же касается шерстяного, вязанного пледа, то он потрясающе великолепен!Это же сколько труда чтоб такой связать.


Every time I see the adorable darling dog asleep on the floor
near the fireplace comfortably resting and relaxing it makes
me very sleepy so have a good night everyone.🏘️🌨️


Dieses schöne Schneesturmgeräusche sind sehr entspannend. Der Hund hat sich richtig gemütlich am Kamin gemacht.


Bonsoir mon Ami! comme toujours tes vidéos sont sources de bien être🔥et celle -ci sera parfaite pour passer une nuit douce et réparatrice😴je souhaite une bonne nuit à tous!🧡


Aww thank you Rainy Guy 😊I love the storyline and the video is beautiful 😍 and I really do appreciate everything you do for us 😊👍 thanks again and God bless you 🙏 and feeling warm and comfy and cozy and safe 😊👍🙏🌬️🌨️🌬️☃️🌬️❄️🌬️🌫️🍵☕🐶


Самая лучшая компоновка и композиция сочетаний!💪💪💪


🌠 супер, очень понравилось 👏👏❄️❄️❄️🔥👍🐕 спасибо большое 🌛☕


Хорошая добрая история со счастливым концом! А избушка такая миленькая, что тоже хочется провести там пару деньков!


Buonanotte... mentre il vento mi canta la sua canzone antichissima e sempre nuova. 🎼💝Grazie...


Яблочный пирог! Обязательно испеку и съем под это видео.. 🫖🫓☕


The greatest story teller/ambience YouTuber ever! Hope that you are doing well 🙂


Thank you so much 💓. I'm enjoying every one of your videos. Going through them. They bring such peace ❤


Thank you for yet another great
Video with wonderfull sleepy sounds ❤love from Denmark


I lOVE the lighting in this video! Great work


Лучше без окон, туда может заглянуть йети 😮


I like this one very much. Not too many windows and a powerfully warm looking duvet and blanket. Is that a radio on the bed? I don't mind if the dog joins me on the bed. Just time for a few yawns before I snuggle down under the duvet and drift away...


I wonder what's gonna happen to Ben's car?


Love you videos, but please make them shorter. Great to fall asleep to, but not to be awakened by. I’m thinking maybe 4 hours max. Thanks
