How to respond to repetitive behaviour in dementia

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The best way to manage Behaviours is to prevent them. The way you communicate can keep a individual calm or can make the difference between calming a distressed individual or causing an escalation of the Behaviour.

Communicating with a individual who has dementia requires extra time and patience. Calling the individual by name and being at eye level will be less threatening and show caring and respect. Studies have shown that individuals are more likely to respond negatively when spoken to in “Elderspeak”.

This refers to speaking to older adults as a child or addressing them with words meant to be endearing such as Sweetie, Honey, Girly, etc. Avoid using these terms and refer to the individual by their name.
Repetitive Behaviours are very common in moderate and advanced dementia. These Challenging Behaviours can be annoying and frustrating to caregivers. Sometimes the individual with dementia will repeat the same Behaviour over and over, such as continually washing the same dish, tapping their fingers, saying the same phrase. Continual pacing is seen with the individual walking aimlessly back and forth.

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