A mother of three lost her son, but nine years later she saw a boy who looked just like him

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Beth is looking for her son, who disappeared without a trace years ago. Then one day a boy appears on her doorstep.
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It happen 7-8 years ago in our Costco at Laval. A mother leave her baby on the shopping cart just a 2-3 meters to grap something and the baby disappeared. The manager of the Costco close all doors and call the cops. They search every inch and all kids were screened. A couple get out if the toilet with a baby but the outfit doesn’t match the mother description. But the recognized immediately her son. The couple had plan to kidnap a baby and even brought clothes to change him. I remember how the mother when completely crazy, screaming and panicking…no ones had complaints to be stuck inside the costco. My son was only 3 at that time, I can’t imagine be in her shoes. We were all relief when they find the baby !


The Title of the movie for my opinion is out of the context .


It would have been a better storyline to have George be part of the family and Ben’s life in someway.
The family lost a son but George now has also lost a son which makes this story more heartbreaking.


No one is talking about the dad who raised his son all these years only to have him snatched from him. How does he recover from that? I hope they make it a big family where he has two dads.


Stop leaving your kids alone with eachother unless the eldest is atleast 12 and like a decently average height 12 so that they can properly watch over their siblings


If I was the parent, I would let the boy make the decision to stay or leave. Visiting him frequently at his foster father's home would have been better for the boy's well being and hopefully with time, he will be able to accept his biological family


Who tf takes 2 little children to a high school reunion at a hotel? She has parents, a husband, a big family and money to at least hire a nanny to come along with her! Stupidity has no limits!


How did Cicile steal and keep the child that the police could not find him? How did she mastermind that?


Reunification needs to be a slow process, everything would have gone better if they had just gone slow.


As someone who’s adopted

I don’t think I would be able to just suddenly live with new people
Even if they say that they’re my family
So I feel Sam’s pain


It’s a horrible terrible situation but you cant force a child who grew up with a person who he sees as a father to suddenly abandon him. The better solution is to include the foster father in the family. It wasnt his fault but he still raised the kid like one of his own for 9 years.


I know they lost a child but to abandon the other 2?? Was just to much I understand they were hurting but so was their elder son, I strongly dislike how they ignored him and his pain pretty much this whole movie. But I enjoyed the movie and the ending was okay, just wish they came together with the adoptive dad and raised Sam/Ben together.


I know its a movie but its idiotic how much the bio parents are putting their needs above their sons and expect him to be happy abandoning the family that raised him.


I love Michelle Pfeiffer, she is such a strong actress.


Thwy should have the foster dad in his life. Not fair to do this to ben


This is good but also bad how they dealt with grief was very bad and how the parents treated the other children was just abusive and disheartening.


I think the parents should have been happy atleast the boy was happy and healthy, but no I don’t think the boy should have stayed with George, he was kidnapped in a terrible situation even if he didn’t actually do it. But I think they should have slowly transitioned him into the family, and let George be in his life too. He was a young boy afterall, he would’ve gotten used to them.


The movie is great, but all the scenes surrounding it are revolting. The family who underestimated the protagonist' loss and her depressive mental health situation, how the grown lost son was ripped apart suddenly from the father who raised him... Everything was off key and maybe it was the goal of the movie: to make us feel uncomfortable


I was mad that the mother gave him back but in the end the kid decided to go back with his real parent


Was there a reason she had to bring kids to a reunion? No one else seemed to bring their children so I’m confused why they are all there.
I mean it’s only for one day and she’ll be around her classmates probably drinking and catching up. Odd start
