Ramda JS Tutorial – Part 9 (assoc, dissoc, assocPath, dissocPath)

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Let's understand all the functions of the JavaScript library Ramda JS and learn a lot about functional programming as we go along.

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Dear Christopher,

I am just another dev learning Ramda along the way like many others. I also happen to be subscribed to your channel which I like a lot (keep up the good work!).
I am making a youtube comment because I am not sure of the best way to reach you.

Point is, I understand why you would use VIM ( I guess because it is fast and you like it? ) but for me, as a viewer, every time you swap screens and/or execute the files it gets really confusing for me to understand what is going on.

To fix this, I would suggest a more robust editor ( like Atom or VSCode ) with a pluggin called quoka that allows you to see the results of your tests as you type them. Or if you still don't like it, the Ramda REPL would still be more friendly ( at least to me as a viewer ).

Please consider any of these suggestions and thanks for the great videos!
