How to Dan in 2022? - Back to Basic Baduk

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Can we Dan in 2022? I think so!

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dwyrin is a full time U.S Go player and teacher
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I'm super stoked to see the new series to learn from! Thanks to a very talented Go teacher and the your content I've managed to claw my way up from 10 to 5 kyu in the last four months and I'm hoping 2022 is the year I can finally hit 1 Dan!


3:07 "How am I gonna get the D? How? How? How?" - Dwyrin 2021


Nice! I would definitely volunteer to be a victim, but I guess the seat is taken already. Lucky bastard! :)


I think your new series sounds like a great idea and I'm looking forward to watching it.


Usually if you don't play for years and get back into it, you're gonna be weaker. I've always been more of an influence player, so when I got back into it earlier this year (never stopped watching all your videos but been playing like only once or twice a year for 6+ years), I was surprised to see myself having somewhat of an easy time and ranked up higher than I ever did really fast. Not Dan level yet, but 2022 could be the year if I do try.


I do find it surreal that some of the first joseki I ever learned as a 20-kyu on old KGS are now the ones that everybody plays, from noobs all the way up to KataGo itself.


I can't wait for the new series. As a 7 kyu, this video really resonated with me. I am definitely going to try this grand experiment in 2022 and see how far I can get.

To summarize a kyu would need to know:
- Current common joseki AND who gets sente from that sequence
- What is the largest point on the board
- Watch cutting points and liberties
- How to use influence in a halfway decent way

I think I definitely struggle with cutting points and liberties and truly understanding sente. I definitely could level up on all these points.


Awesome vid! Helps people like me coming back from a hiatus to shake off the rust and know what to expect in my upcoming games to solidify my rank again. So interesting that now 4-4/3-3 joseki are common place when it used to be considered so 'vulgar' or 'giving away too much influence' to 3-3 back in the day. Thank goodness my strongest aspect of play was/is using influence to attack. Muahaha!


The answer is always do thousands upon thousands of tesuji.


Concerning influence, late Sakakibara Shoji 9p have said the same thing in his "The Way to Break the Shodan Wall" . If it worked in 1974, it should work in 2021/22.


I find it's hard for me to use influence as 2k since I'm bad at reading. Usually it's 1 tiny mistake and your opponent is suddenly all alive where he shouldn't. I know it's not always you have to kill tho. Territorial style is just easier to use for players like me since there's less room for error if you learned few invasions josekis. What your saying in the video is probably true but i still feel there's a puzzle missing.


Great video! maybe this year I will get to dan level too.


Having spent most of my long Go career on the strong side of SDK, I would absolutely love to be a part of an experiment like this and would happily volunteer even if there were a non-trivial monetary cost associated with doing so!


I got to shodan in 1991, maybe I'm still 3kyu


I'd volunteer, but ddk would make it a very long year o/. But i look foward to watching the new series


I volunteer to play against the victim! Seeing as I am around 2k-1d depending on server!


I think go is like the universe, it strives for the lowest state of energy while maximizing disorder, High entropy.


Getting to Shodan basically means not giving so many pointless Tenukis. When I play games at lower ranks for content, that what always gets me ahead. That and obvious mistakes.


As someone very much in the trenches of the dan border, I see the moves ALL the time. Very few players in the 1d-2k range play these calm games. High pincers and weird variations are something I, and any other KGS 1k, very much need to know how to handle.

I'm a big fan of your stuff, but your point about not needing to know the weird stuff just does not ring true to my games.


i'd volunteer for that new series...and or playing matches for it. 4-5 kyu in ogs! [my biggest issue as of late is using influence to actually get profit...bit slow on that]
