Winnie the Pooh as an 80's Horror Film

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The movie follows Cristopher Robin, a 6 year old boy who was diagnosed with schizophrenia yet everyone passes it off as just a child's "imagination", and the many adventures he has with his stuffed animals. However, as the boy slowly becomes more diagnosed with other diseases, his world begins to crumble and slowly turns into a hellish nightmare.


0:13 Pooh doesn’t look creepy, he looks adorable but it’s just the setting he’s in.


I think it sets more accuratly with "Dark Fantasy" category than "Horror".


Winnie: don’t t worry Christopher…. I understand your growing up. But you always be in my heart.

ChR: you to Pooh…you to.


Now THIS is what a Winnie the Pooh "horror" movie should look and be like, not like what Blood and Honey gave us!

But seriously, these images are all fantastic!


What Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey would have been with an actual budget.


You know, instead of going for the slasher film Trope, they could’ve done a more…. psychological horror, kind of deal where Christopher Robins mind went grim The more he grew up and twisted the 100 acre wood into a dangerous and scary place filled with Heffalumps and Woozles; Pooh and friends remained the same and are the last remnant of Christopher’s innocence yet each of them were captured and slowly Consumed away. Christopher returns and goes on a journey with Pooh to save them but experienced trauma after trauma but with love and support, they were able to overcome odds and save 100 acre wood.

It would not have been perfect, but I would’ve been an interesting concept idea then ‘honey in blood’


I’d watch this. It gives me “The Dark Crystal” vibes and also “Labyrinth” vibes with how the characters look. It doesn’t feel creepy to me, but it does feel like Christopher Robin will have quite an adventure with these variants of characters we once knew to be soft and sweet, but only this time, it seems these characters will put Christopher to the test with trials and tribulations to prove himself worthy of making it out of the hundred acre wood alive. This Tigger seems like he’d put little Christopher to the test, and Pooh would accompany him as he is his new best friend and guide through the hundred acre wood.


*Unused contents of Winnie the pooh: Blood and Honey*


Gopher: “I’m not in the book… but I am in your nightmares”


THIS is what we SHOULD have gotten instead of "Blood and Honey" AKA "A Generic Slasher Movie with Pooh characters"...


Deep within the enchanted forest of the 100 Acre Woods, a young boy named Christopher Robin encountered some of the most unusual anthropomorphic creatures he’ll ever see. Animals who some would probably describe as weird or abominations. The gang introduced themselves as Tigger, Kanga, Roo, Owl, Rabbit, Eeyore, Piglet, and most importantly, Winnie the Pooh. With the naivete of his youth, Christopher ignored the dangers and befriended them. He brought them food, played games with them, and with each day they spent together, their bond strengthened and grew. They were almost like a family. But as the days turned into years, Christopher Robin grew up and eventually became more mature. Eventually, he had to make the difficult decision to leave his friends to go to college. Unfortunately for the gang, this meant for them to fend for themselves once again. Then winter came. The nights were deadly cold and barren, they were deprived of any food. Except for Pooh with his honey that he keeps for himself in case of emergency. One fateful night, Pooh soon discovered that the starvation is hitting the minds of the group. They became farrell and started to hunt their own prey. Whether it be animal or humans. Pooh couldn’t stand to see this so he set off to find Christopher Robin for help. Meanwhile in the 100 acre woods, the group made a pact. They renounced their humanity and returned to their animalistic roots. When Pooh returns, he’ll soon find a graveyard in place where the 100 acre woods used to be.

(Yeah I pretty much just used lines from the movie but tried to spice it up a bit with Pooh actually being a good guy)


This is like if Guilmo Del Toro made a Winnie the pooh story


Would watch. One thing would add is owl as a human that got lost as a child within the woods but tried to keep sanity. That's why he remains somewhat knowledgable but the woods got merely the best of him mentally. While pooh bear and piglet try to help the kid out of the woods but he encounters all these other characters. Such as Tigger that wants to trap the kid in the woods making him believe playing is fun and should be an endless eternal activity.


Feels more like dark fantasy to me than horror.


As scary as it is. It also just looks very sad. They all looked so lonely. Look at the sadness in Tigger's eyes.


“the 100 acre wood was a beautiful place, full of Christopher Robins friends, who he played with often.However as he got older, he was sent to a boarding school.Until Christopher Robin comes home, and decides to go to the wood again.But, he finds it’s not the same.The trees are thicker, the wood is darker, there’s strange and deadly things like pit traps and wierd giant weasels among others.Much to his surprise, he’s attacked by his old friends, at least Pooh, Mr Rabbit and Piglet.Only to find out they are trying to protect him from what lurks in that wood.”


Pooh Bear and Eeyore's designs here would've been perfect for Blood and Honey tbh. Wonder how Bambi (both movies) would look given this treatment; it'd be perfect for when Bambi: The Reckoning comes out


One day, I’m going to tell my kids this was Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey


Some interesting ideas, but I feel that Kanga should have looked a bit less creepy in her 'mother' role, and Tigger looked more like a lion than a tiger.
