If they don't bury you, we will. #art

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Materials: Arches wc hot press paper, Winsor and Newton Gouache, Holbein Gouache

Word on the Street is: This is Cybele, she's a centaur commission. She has a halberd. She's cool.

(For Business and Social Use, Say Hi, I don’t mind.)

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KK DerObst
PO Box 421
Epsom NH, 03234
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I feel Like I'm your sister in this story. I would have loved to get a mummified cat or dog as a gift. Not sure I'd want it in a life is good bag though. Lol

Thank you again for taking this Commission. You did a fantastic job bringing my DnD character Cybele to life! You're art is so beautiful and I love your process videos, they scratch a certain itch in my brain when I watch them. <3


You guys gave this dog a proper burial and it blessed your town omg 😭 that’s kinda poetic


My dad brought home a deer skull he found in the woods as a gift for my mom and she absolutely loved it. If that's not true love, I don't know what is.


I want to imagine that dog was so grateful to be remembered and put to rest that they made their surroundings better as a thank-you.


"a dog's gotta be put somewhere." Not necessarily. If it was small enough to he mistaken for a cat it might have been a terrier, who are bred to crawl into small animal burrows to hunt them. If the dog heard mice or something he might have squeezed himself into the hole to hunt them and got stuck. One of my childhood dogs was a very tiny terrier mix and one time she ripped into the back of a broken recliner we had and created a nest inside it like a rat, she'd disappear for hours and even stored up food in there.

Sure its possible someone could have stuck him in out of cruelty, but if it was a burrowing breed its also just as likely he put himself in that predicament and his owners were heartbroken that he "ran away." So i wouldnt blame humans too much.


"I have this old rubber band voodoo doll that ive been too scared to throw away and i think THE DEVIL sent it to me... i was thinking maybe you would want it"
-my very religious and superstitious aunt


My aunt did something like this to me after my grandmother (her mom) died. She came back to the US with a bunch of different little things that used to belong to my grandmother and one of the things she gave me was this little cookie jar. It was shaped like a walnut and with a little squirrel sitting on top of it holding a smaller nut as the handle.

She told me her mom used this to hold bits of umbilical cord from each grandchild because, in our culture, there was the belief that if you buried the umbilical cord outside your home, whoever it belonged to would always come back to Except we were all grown ass adults and she had never buried them. They just stayed in that little cookie jar... Some for 30+ years??? When my aunt found this with a cousin of mine, they buried the cords of the NINE GRANDCHILDREN outside of the old family home and she brought it back for me.

The exact phrase my aunt used when she gave me this was, "You're eccentric enough to appreciate this."

And she's not wrong! I took The Nut of Horrors (as my friends dubbed it) washed it in bleach a few times, and have been using it to hold random odds and ends since I got it several years ago.

RIP, Grammy. I'll cherish this forever 💖

(Typo fix lol)


I kept a fully intact cat skull I found in the forest around our house as a lawn ornament for a year. My little brother thought it was creepy, and "accidentally" blew it off the porch one weekend while he was doing his leafblowing chores. I know sabotage when I see it.


i almost made myself cry because i thought of the dog being happy just to be cherished for a short amount of time after being forgotten


My mum found a mouse skeleton with bits of fur still attached in our shed, and of course gave it to me (I keep it in a jar on display in my room :D)


"life is good" bag. I have no words. It stands in it's own. 😮


those are some juicy paints, i love them


I have a cat skull sitting on my shelf that my mom found after my dog dug it up. It’s one of my most treasured possessions because I love cats and all things spooky and weird. And I most likely knew the cat when it was alive. RIP Mr. Whiskers or Midnight or Bester.


My first job had a similarly mummified cat (actual cat) in the office for a while. I think the blacksmithing guy was the one who found it under a house. Don't remember exactly but it was one of the old guards. Anyways, they brought it in and put it on the table that we kept all the other bones and feathers and stuff on ('cuz every office has a table of those). We all went to oooh and ahh at it and I think at least one anatomical study (the drawing kind) was made. Or maybe that was just the rodent skull that still had rotten flesh on it. I don't remember. Bet y'all could never guess what kind of job this was.

It was a summer camp. A wilderness survival/larping one.


How is your watercolor so juicy and clean and perfect and amazing


This is honestly so sweet. Reminds me of my dad finding not one, but two mummified hummingbirds and leaving them for me. I love our weird parents 🥹


That is so me. I collect bones, so when my friend found a dead pigeon on her walk, she called me to show me so I could take it and wait for it to decompose.


“it was a great harvest” took me 😂

thank you for the joy your videos bring!


It was very sweet of yur sister to show the pup off. I know many people's view of an afterlife or lackthereof differ, but I'd like to think the little one would enjoy being remembered, appreciated, learned about and given a proper burial.


NOSTOP, I adore big wild cats, and have all my life. One day, my late grandfather brought me "a gift he thought I'd like." It was a dusty, old taxidermied head of a leapard in a hissing position.

I. Was. HORRIFIED. I pretended to be interested and the moment he left, it went into the deepest corner of a hallway closet. As an enormous animal lover, WHY WOULD I WANT A DEAD ONE 😭
