Journey to 1 million Gamerscore, November 2020, 22 completions! Easy 2000g completions!

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So half way through November I decided i wanted to make a push for 600k by the end of the year, in order to do that I had to up my game. Now it looks like it's on thanks to 22 completions! and some being worth 2000g! and some that were previously only 1000g that I'd done having super easy free dlc additional 1000g. what an end to the month!

Maka91 Pathalogic 2, 2 min game pass PC guide

Dark Grim Mariupolis, chevo guides guide

cheevo guides bang on micetopia guide

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I just hit 200k gamerscore tonight. Pretty pleased with myself, if I'm honest.


My list if easy games to buy have just gone up again


looking at the video for cross krush, it looks like a simplified kurushi style game. which is nice to see.
Switch and shoot was updated on the Playstation, so the trophies are working. im now 2 trophies away from getting the platinum. it will take a while. but its good mindless fun.
im disappointed with that gears judgement score ;)
Id love river city girls. but its a bit of an expensive DL on PS4.
castle of no escape looks fun
Micetopia is now in my to get list! cheers
I like the bumper 1 parter!
next month i wana see at least 1 360 achievement ;)


Almost to 600k😀 what will you be doing to celebrate the occasion? Will you do a celebratory live stream like maka91 did for his 700, 000 gamerscore milestone? Will you be doing a collab with maka91, Cheevo guides and Billz from achievement land? I personally would like a podcast with yourself, maka, cheevo guides and billz talking about what games you've been playing over the past month and what achievements you've all unlocked plus which games you've completed, you can also do a competition, who can unlock the most gamerscore in one month and you can reveal the winner at the start of each podcast. Oh and one more question, why have you not been doing any all the pops videos recently, there are so many easy 1000g/2000g games that you could make all the pops videos for, I know your busy with your job and real life problems getting in the way, but a lot of these easy completions only take like between 5 minutes to 30 minutes, maybe 40 minutes tops and you could record the all the pops videos back to back, not all in one sitting though, spread them out over a few days and weeks like a drip feed of easy gamerscore videos just like cheevo guides does with his videos, it's just a suggestion, you don't have to listen to my suggestions but feedback is always nice.


Both the Castle of No Escapes for so cheap, these developers know what us achievement hunters want aha. A lot of completions here, great work there! Really enjoyed this video, as always!


Great score added this month rob buddy 😄 some very interesting games there. I downloaded River City girls and really liked the bit I've played 😄


I thought I had done well with scoring the 19000 for Nov. That is an impressive gamer score. Might have to note some of these down to play in getting my score up. Pathalogic 2 on PC didn't work for me with Maka's guide could have been my store cache issue I was having though might need to try again. Good roundup


Can anyone recommend a good guide for sig.nul I'm struggling to find 1
