I knew she was moving out as soon as she bought the pots and pans 😭😫🩷🩷
I assumed you were moving when you started purchasing cookware that your grandma definitely didn’t need 😂. I’m so happy for you, it’s going to be great. I think you two are perfect for each other. Remember that you are two different people that are now sharing a space. Always be considerate of each other’s personal space, communicate often, be gracious, selfless, respectful, don’t say anything that you don’t mean, never hurt one another’s feelings, take your time, never allow anything negative to come out of your mouth since you can’t take it back, always pray when you’re annoyed, and just love him with all your heart and soul.
I’m 22 and I’ve been beating myself up about not getting certain things like a car or not on the path to getting a new place yet but I’ve learned that it’ll happen on gods timing 🙂so seeing things like this truly motivate me to keep going 🫶🏽
Yesss I love Grandma Bell! She’s a sweetheart! I wish I had that relationship with my grandparents! Unfortunately they are both gone 😢
Cleaning, grocery shopping, date night, exploring the town, restaurant reviews, decorating videos, unpacking videos it’s gonna be so fun!!!
GIRL WE KNEW IT!!! im so excited for you!!!
Marisa we knew you were moving out. You had me tearing up. 😢 We will be here with you Marisa you'll be okay. I cannot wait to see how you decorate the place! Congratulations on the apartment marisa!❤
I get that! I moved 5 hours away from my family! It’s extremely tough, but I love my new journey with my husband here. It’s so much more fun when you get to go visit them!! 🩷
Moving Out!!?? Omg !! Now we can get tour of your new place and decorate it with pink girly things ❤❤
I cried with you when you talked about your grandparents. When I moved out I was crying like crazy and it gets lonely but it’s also the most empowering feeling to be independent and have your own space. Wishing you eternal blessings and happiness ❤
grandparents are everything! big changes but they are so proud of you!
I moved out when I was 23. It wasn’t a positive experience. Even though it wasn’t positive it was still so hard leaving my family.
It’s so worth it though. It feels good to have your own space!
I’ve been leaving with roommates but I’m moving out for the first time in the next couple of months all on my own.
I’m nervous but excited.
You got this Marissa ❤❤❤ it’s going to be so great!
I haven’t been watching you that long but as a mom of kids that are a little older than you I’m so proud. It’s so sweet how you speak of your grandparents! When you were talking about your grandpa I teared up for sure ❤ congratulations on your new journey! So happy for you!
Congratulations omg!!!! I had a feeling when you were buying all the kitchen items! So proud of you girly! 💖💖💖
Let out the tears girl crying is healing, refreshing, and restoring you. You’re strong and beautiful. Keep going and never give up on yourself or your dreams because you’re worth it. ❤
Congratulations on your move! I moved out of my moms house when I was 18 because I hated how my step dad treated me. I lived at my dad's house for a bit and then finally got an apartment with my bf, and now we are married and bought our first home. Leaving home can be hard but you have to be on your own eventually and it is rewarding and your family will understand and be happy for you! You go girl!
Ive never been so happy and excited for a Youtuber like I am now for you! 🎉🎉🎉
Girl it’s crazy cus we live in the same city and I constantly see you and bump in to you and your grandma at stores mainly at Ross and tj max because I’m big on shopping too. I just never walked up to you to say anything because I didn’t wanna be weird or make you feel weird lol but one thing I can say is I could tell your grandma really loves you 💓 because I mainly always seen her with you at all the stores I always thought that was really sweet 💓💓😊 but girl you deserve the world 🌎 congratulations on moving. Your gonna be extremely successful in life I’m all ready knowing Gods got you🙏🏼🙏🏼🫶🏼 and one last thing I thought you would know is every time I seen you in person you would really inspire me. Seeing you making it and going strong at your dream life motivates me because YouTube is my dream as well. Im gonna start my channel soon under a different account.
Thanks Marisa 💓💓💓🤗
i moved out at 26 with two kids it definitly a breath of fresh air and im proud of you its fun to decorate and spend more time with your guy stay blessed
The fact that you’ve been uploading videos while moving is so crazy, you’re such a strong woman Marisa