Yu-Gi-Oh History w/Joe Giorlando: Frog FTK (2010)

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I'm really glad that I took MBT's advice. Thanks!


Honestly I'd love a video devoted just to test hands and watching this deck go to work


I actually remember seeing a video of a guy stacking Mass Driver and not getting the FTK because of it, way to prove your point about not opening Mass Driver being better.


Really awesome, I had been really waiting for this one :) Love the combo segments


i loved this and frog monarchs, soul exchange + substitoad is one of my favorite combos still


Yet another great video, so much intelligent insights :)


The deck could have been better if Frog the Jam worked with the other Frogs


Where did that Magical Mallet come from? I have never really seen it used in this deck and it appears to be the 41st card assuming you are using Trunade but not Heavy Storm.


I thought ronintoadin came out in may?


Honestly my favorite deck of all time.


Not sure Frog ftk was better than danger ftk. Not sure if Joe was playing in 2018. Not a good year for the game.


joe im very disappointed at how u tried to showcase the combo. i watched u sac the swap u had on field post dump and knew you were lost :(
u want all 3 copies of swap on field or in hand no matter what. you had to lean on rng after the blunder with shitty cards that no one actually played in this deck like mallet lmao
keeping all 3 copies of swap on field/hand lets u abuse moray multiple times and resummon them from deck assuming u dont redraw them. it's literally not possible to whiff on mass driver even if u only run 1 copy in the deck assuming u know how to properly exec the combo.

nice try though xD


I look at modern yugioh and often get pretty upset about the "necessity" and power of hand traps but then I remember a combo of 3 of's like hand D + Treeborn + Substitoad/One for One and remember why they exist. I know this deck was kinda of absurd in hindsight, but I did love the pace of this entire format and think it was a really strong time for pace of place + power level + the meta as a whole.


Who else is here because of history of yugioh?


I never knew the extent of power this deck had cause I didn't start playing until after substitoad was banned. But honestly this video gives me an appreciation for what I thought was just an ftk.dek


While the combo did work (and only just) I don't believe when you showed the FTK what you did was optimal.
I have found in testing and from back in the day that 2 frogs being banished is the magic number and its quite easy to do. you run the gambit leaving in your deck only 3 poison draws and 1 swap (this is of course dependent on your hand but I find a majority of the time you have at least 2 frogs or a salvage to facilitate this) the last frog your send you turn into a poison draw then banish for Ronin twice leaving a field of Substi and 3 poison draw. you then use substi effect on itself to turn itself into swap frog and start sending for 3 draws, if you draw a salvage off it thats an extra draw as you use swaps effect to extra normal another poison draw then do it again (since Salvage gives you an extra discard fodder for swap too)

other than that very insightful video tho I do note that when you drew the mass driver in the last combo you talked about being able to draw deeper, this is wrong as you hadn't sent the hand destruction you used to the grave, your hand at that point was only mass driver and substi (which is exactly 8k), you needed at least 1 card in hand to discard for the fishborg for it to work (which it did but you really didn't have much way to go much deeper.

I also think it would have been worth pointing out while Moray is a good card in this deck its BAD when trying to find the mass driver, having 2 frogs back in your deck is really really bad as you most of the time nearly need them all to OTK/FTK. If i thought id need Moray to get to Mass Driver id be more inclined to keep the substitoad on the field at the end of the combo to get the last ones out but at the same time its a painful way to do it. Moray is great in your opening hand to unbrick but near the end i often find its almost as dead as Trunade

Also can you please share some insight on the use of the double Dewloran, maybe im missing something important but in testing I always found that you were better off with something like a Chimeratch Fortress Dragon and another useful Sync over the Dewloran?



One of the coolest things to me about Yugioh (and other TCGs and some other hobbies), compared to professional sports is the way that extremely accomplished players like Joe can go into the nuts and bolts of a very technical aspect of their craft. Good speakers and the relative accessibility of the hobby means that a layperson can get an extraordinary amount of insight into fascinating aspects of the game


But how would you go about side decking? Like what would you cut for what?


I'm re-watching some of these older segments like podcast episodes; it can't be said enough how Effect Veiler not existing in the TCG until August of this year was a major saving grace.


If ronintoadin could have been used as synchro material. Frog synchro Would have been the epithet
