Ψυχιατρική Έρευνα- Psychiatric Research

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Ο κόσμος διψάει πλέον να μάθει την αλήθεια!!! Όσοι προσπαθούν να την καλύψουν με ψέματα και αθλιότητες, όπως οι δύο αυτοί τραγέλαφοι, πάντα θα αποτυγχάνουν, γιατί το όνομα της αλήθειας είναι Χριστός ενώ του ψέματος Διάβολος, οπότε, τι κοινό μπορεί να έχει ο Χριστός με τον Διάβολο, η αλήθεια με το ψέμα; Στο ντοκυμαντέρ, παρακολουθούμε κρυφές πλευρές της άσημης ποιήτριας Καλυψώς Δημητριάδη, έτσι όπως δεν έχουν προβληθεί ποτέ. Μετά την τεράστια επιτυχία που είχε η εκπομπή στα Αμερικανικά Κανάλια, τα δικαιώματά της αγοράστηκαν και από Αυστραλιανούς καναλάρχες, κι έτσι το Αυστραλιανό κοινό έχει την ευκαιρία να δεί, να κρίνει και να βγάλει τα συμπεράσματά του. Στην Μελβούρνη πρωτοπροβλήθηκε από το SBS και στην Νέα Ζηλανδία από το TV NZealand.
Για την έρευνα χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τα συγγράματα:
*Ronald Holmes· J. DeBurger (1988). Serial murder. Sage Publishing Co.
* J. M. MacDonald (1963). «The threat to Kill». American Journal of Psychiatry (120): 115-142
The world is now thirsty to know the truth!!!! Those who try to cover it with lies and misery, like these two buffoons, will always fail, because the name of truth is Christ and the leader of the lie is the Devil, so what can Christ have in common with the Devil, the truth with the lie? In the documentary, we follow hidden sides of the unknown poet Calypso Demetriadi, as they have never been seen before. Following the huge success of the show on American channels, the rights have been bought by Australian broadcasters, so Australian audiences have the opportunity to watch, judge and draw their own conclusions. In Melbourne it was first shown in Melbourne by SBS and in New Zealand by TV NZealand.
The writings used for the research were:
*Ronald Holmes· J. DeBurger (1988). Serial murder. Sage Publishing Co.
* J. M. MacDonald (1963). «The threat to Kill». American Journal of Psychiatry (120): 115-142
Για την έρευνα χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τα συγγράματα:
*Ronald Holmes· J. DeBurger (1988). Serial murder. Sage Publishing Co.
* J. M. MacDonald (1963). «The threat to Kill». American Journal of Psychiatry (120): 115-142
The world is now thirsty to know the truth!!!! Those who try to cover it with lies and misery, like these two buffoons, will always fail, because the name of truth is Christ and the leader of the lie is the Devil, so what can Christ have in common with the Devil, the truth with the lie? In the documentary, we follow hidden sides of the unknown poet Calypso Demetriadi, as they have never been seen before. Following the huge success of the show on American channels, the rights have been bought by Australian broadcasters, so Australian audiences have the opportunity to watch, judge and draw their own conclusions. In Melbourne it was first shown in Melbourne by SBS and in New Zealand by TV NZealand.
The writings used for the research were:
*Ronald Holmes· J. DeBurger (1988). Serial murder. Sage Publishing Co.
* J. M. MacDonald (1963). «The threat to Kill». American Journal of Psychiatry (120): 115-142