Read this but don’t be shocked..

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For Iftar we invited over 1000 guests to come and open fast in Britains largest mosque.

With so much Islamophobia going on right now and it just increasing in an incredible speed, stuff like this is needed. We had people of all faith arriving for a tour of the mosque and then sit down to open the fast and have dinner.

It was a proper 3 course meal because as Muslim we know the importance our faith puts on looking after our guests so we try and do the mosque.

I can’t wait to do this all again next year Inshallah because as a Muslim if I can’t try and reflect the teachings of my faith through my actions then how can I expect people to understand the peaceful teachings of Islam.

#instaimam #islam #Ramadan #fasting #iftar #humanity #community

📲 FOLLOW: @theyoungimam

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Umm but you do and have been doing so for 1400 years
