How to Get Your Name in the Book of Life - Pt 6 | Doug Batchelor

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How to Get Your Name in the Book of Life - Pt 6 | Doug Batchelor

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Thank you Great teacher, corrector Pastor Doug Batchelor ❤🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Thank you pastor Dough the reminder.Gid be with you always.


We love you Doug.we are modern evangelist and have brought many to church and baptized..less talk and make friends.


MERCY! Lord thx for your grace and keep transforms us then we will not a stuck for what came... We trust in Jesus AMEEEN


Make know that in you there's peace


Thank you pastor! The Spirit of the Lord has spoken to me and His Word is in my tongue. Father Yahweh's Word and Spirit, "Mercy and truth are met together; 
righteousness and peace have kissed each other" within my soul. (Psalm 85:10) I cannot
help but be overcome with joy, as I have been made a new creature sealed in that promised Everlasting Covenant of love given me of the Godhead! Through Yeshua, Israel and all who believe will inherit everlasting life (new birth in the Holy Spirit) from Yahweh. (John 14:6) Yeshua is the only begotten Son and Lamb of Father Yahweh, without blemish. (John 3:16-19) In tolerance of our ignorance against Yahweh, Yeshua humbled Himself in the flesh even to death on a tree! And by His act of grace (a love that passes understanding), Yeshua is now Yahweh's Testator, putting into force His new, living, and
Everlasting Blood Covenant! (Hebrews 9: 16-23) All we who believe in His grace (through faith) in His death, burial, and resurrection receive His victory over our sin (this world) and eternal death of soul facing all unbelievers. Once again, by the grace of our Godhead: Father, through Yeshua (Son of the living Yahweh), once and for all has fulfilled Yahweh's Everlasting Blood Covenant through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). By the Anointing, baptism of His Holy Spirit (circumcision of the foreskin of our evil hearts, Gen 17:7-8, Psalm 105 :10, and 1 Chronicles 16:16 are fulfilled! I now give my offering by fire in this Temple each day but especially on the Sabbath, as a memorial to Yeshua, "Lord of the Sabbath"! We who believe no longer walk in flesh but the Spirit of His forgiveness. By following Yeshua's example of sacrifice, we, by His Anointing, are able take up our cross (crucify this our sinful flesh). Believers can now truly honor Father Yahweh, our Creator, with all their mind, heart, soul and strength while loving our fellow man as we love ourselves. I pray for Palestinians  and all lost souls living without hope but especially for their children who are raised from birth in households of evil (religions, lies, from Satan) sown to them in wrath and hatred towards their fellow man. "The sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away by the Lord because they cannot be taken with hands:" (2 Sa 23:6) By the same faith held of father Abraham (Heb 11) and should He tarry in His return before my death in this flesh, I believe in Yahweh's promise that the bodies and souls of the faithful will soon follow Yeshua in the resurrection to life! (John 11:25. "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" (1 Cor 15:55) As with Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Yahweh, the children of Yahweh have always fought a spiritual war, not against flesh and blood but aginst Satan and his minions. In the wilderness after His baptism (Mathew 4:1-11), Yeshua faced the same temptation as do all Believers by living our lives in the power of our own means or relying upon Yahweh: "Turning stones into bread, bowing to Satan, and putting God to the test". Eve used Yahweh's Word against the serpent, that spirit of antiChrist, but without power. (Gen 3:2) Through Yeshua, the Great I Am (Ex 3:14), Believers are now blessed (equipped) with Power, Anointing of the living Word of Yahweh. (John 1:14) For as It is written by the Apostle Paul and under inspiration of the Holy Spirit says, "Who shall separate us from the love of Messiah? shall tribulation,  or 
distress, or persecution,
or famine,  or nakedness or peril,  or sword? As it is written,  For your sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep
for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded,  that neither 
death,  nor life,  nor angels,  nor principalities,  nor 
powers,  nor things present,  nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth,  nor any other 
creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God,  which is in Christ Yeshua our Lord."(Rom 8:35-39) Please receive the Power of True Love  and everlasting life which is our Creator (Revelation 4:11) and share the Word of Yahweh, the Gospel of Truth, the Sword of Father's Spirit; concealed in the Law and Prophets but revealed in the New Testament of His Blood); given first to Israel under inspiration and as caretakers but now to all Believers. Yeshua is the Law and Prophets, Word and Spirit become flesh. Yeshua is the Light of the world! (John 8:12, Isaiah 8:20) Please do not hesitate and reject this testimony of Yeshua! Yeshua is coming soon to remove His Bride (body of Believers) from the wrath of Yahweh to come, the "Great Tribulation". (2 Th 2:7, Book of Revelation) Yeshua says, "As long as I am in the world,  I am the light of the world." (John 9:5) Hallelujah Amen


"A lot of Christians are going through life on standby."


What does taking up my cross mean? What is the requirement?


The book of life applied to the house of Israel, the 12 tribes of Israel who came to Christ.

Today, people who are born again, are simply saved for eternal life.


Your more worried about getting into the book of life than you are foing right
