Calvinism, Arminianism and Molinism for Dummies

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A very brief and short overview of the 3 most popular Christian theological viewpoints. (Not in depth, don't get mad)
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Crazy thing, is that I see validity in all three positions. It’s really sad that they all can’t come together and realize it all fits together and there will always be mysteries in scripture that we will never solve. I believe we have free will, yet God will inject His will into our lives to accomplish His purposes. He has His plan that is going to be carried out regardless of what we do. However, scripture is abundantly clear that we have the freedom to choose Him or not. It really surprises me that there is even an argument over that stuff.


I was having this argument with a very intelligent friend of mine trying to figure out which theology I fell under. The more I talked with him about it, the more I was convinced I was a weird amalgamation of all three. He said that that couldn't be, and we kept talking and talking and talking spinning the same wheels. Though I find theology important, I also feel like that if it wasn't in the Bible, it wouldn't be true.


Interesting. I always had called myself a Calvinist. But apparently I am actually a Molinist and I didn't even realize it.


My main problem with Calvinism is predestination and unconditional election. I will admit I go to mainly Pentecostal churches (I don't really have a choice in which church I actually go to, as I am rather young, so y'kno, don't be judgy.) Something about it just rubs me the wrong way, especially the common argument/acronym I've heard from Calvinist, TULIP. I think my MAIN question would be: Why does god not predestine/elect everyone? If your argument is that God is sovereign, and our purpose is to glorify him (which I agree with), why would he not provide the opportunity of salvation to ALL humans? (i'm sure someone's made this argument before, but I'm young and really, really new to this so forgive me.)


The only thing holding me back from Calvinism, is the fact that anything goes wrong at all, like the fall in the garden, that means God planned that. I have a hard time with that. Molinism does seem to make more sense to me right now. But that could change. Idk. This is probably the most challenged I've been on a topic since I was studying 6 day creation.


If Calvinism was true, why would Jesus model how to pray with the Lord's Prayer? Matthew 6:9-13. Furthermore, why would he then say "If you forgive people, then your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you don't forgive people, then your heavenly Father won't forgive you"? How does that make any since if He's the one controlling whether or not we forgive them in the first place. Calvinists have seriously and dangerously misread and mistranslated scripture out of context.
Let me support that statement with another verse that contradicts what Calvinism teaches - "“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea."


Thank you, Drew, for posting this. I have never heard of Molinist but now I know I am one.


I'm a Calvinist 100%. I used to be an Armenian - but I didn't know it. But I was convinced by Scripture though an elder in my church that Calvinism is the most Biblical approach. It makes me wonder though, I've seen Armenians convert to Calvinism, but I've never seen it the other way round. Why do you think this is so?


good video, I'm in between arminian and molinist and will never be calvinist, thank God.


From the limited information I've heard, I may be leaning toward Molinism, but I'll have to investigate further. I like the Scriptural perspective of Dr. Leighton Flowers, but I'm not even sure how to label that.

Thanks for the food for thought.


Molinism is compatible with the nonlinear time view of the universe which physics mathematicians are now confirming as true. Calvinism assumes linear time only, and Arminianism is very hard to say which view of time it takes because it seems to be more amorphous as a concept than both of the others, but that's probably because I have read about it the least.
I think Molinism best illustrates the all-wisdom of God through time. He knows how to intervene in just the right ways so that if He declares something, He is able to lock it in place by controlling all critical "what if"s in all potential timelines so it ends up fulfilling whatever He says rather than micromanaging all the details so only one variation of it is possible, and this still allows for several variations of the timeline based on freewill decisions, exempting Himself from blame, masoschism, sadism, and other well-deserved aspects that would be due to the Calvinist version of God. God's character and nature must be compatible based on all scriptures we have of Him. God always knows the end from the beginning, although it is interesting that Christ and God the Father have different levels of knowledge.


I am a Provisionist. A brief explanation of provisionism is that God provides the gift of salvation to all. And we are Given freedom of choice to except by Faith the gift or to reject it.
I realize in the video that you were only giving very brief explanations of Arminianism, Calvinism, and Molenism. So I will say that while provisionism may May sound like Arminianism there are differences. As for Calvinism I have my reasons for rejecting it. With Molenism I will admit that I do not fully understand it, however from what I know of it I am open to its ideas.


You’re confusing Arminianism with open theism.


The more I read the bible the more I believe I'm a Calvinist. Peter didn't choose to deny Christ 3 times and it took the flaming eyes of Christ to knock Paul off of his horse to follow Christ. I used to be borderline arminian and molinist.


Arminians don't believe that God will say that He's done with humans. We believe that a human can choose to walk away from God. God never takes back the freewill that He has given us, so He lets us walk away. It's not that we sin and God says, "Oh, I'm done with you." Not at all.


Open Theism is becoming increasingly popular, perhaps even more than molinism. It begins with the idea that God is living and free right now, and because God is free right now the future is not settled. God is sovereign, but not a micro manager. Open Theism denies that fate is predetermined.

Man is free to choose. His choices may resist God's will but in no way thwarts God's plan because God is powerful and eternally creative.

I'd love to hear your take on Open Theism.


I find that Calvinism is impossible based on the character of God. I find that Arminianism is impossible based on the knowledge and principals of God. So therefore I am a Molinist in a way because I believe that it is the closest we can be to understanding god. I believe there is a grey area between Calvinism and Arminianism and that is molinism.


I believe God makes repentant people believe. He judges and approves/saves the unbelievers he wants.


Yes, Calvinists are the I’m a Molinist. Arminians believe you can reject God.
I’m also a Conditionalist. The wages of sin are death. The free gift to believers is eternal life. The dead know nothing.
God does not torture humans, if they reject Him, they perish.
God is omnipresent. He is present in the past and in the future all the time. God made time.. for humans So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that He knows the end from the beginning, He is able.
God bless


Are we all going to be saved even if we have different theological views?
