I Have 100 Days To Beat ARK Hardcore - Aberration

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This is my story of surviving 100 days on Hardcore Ark Survival Evolved - Aberration. The second ARK DLC an ultra deadly underground world! Join along in my adventure as we attempt to survive 100 Days without dying, defeat Rockwell, and do a whole lot of building! I hope you all enjoy this video! If you do please leave it a like and consider subscribing for more


Taming Speed - 2
Mating Interval - 0.25
Egg Hatch Speed - 10
Baby Mature Speed - 10
Baby Cuddle Interval Multiplier - 0.1
Structure Collision: off
Tamed Dino Weight Per Lvl: 10
Tamed Dino Weight Add Per Lvl: 20
Player Weight Per Lvl: 5

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#ark #arksurvivalevolved #100days
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I truly love how much you build in your 100 days series! It's so cool how you don't worry about the time limitand just have fun!


Awesome video. Your underwater sound editing was a nice touch. Well done on the builds too!


Your builds are amazing! I loved watching everything come together.


Man, those are some fantastic builds! Can't believe you're doing it with vanilla and not S+!

You've probably been told this by now, but Grappling Hooks are disabled on Aberration because *you will use the Climbing Picks and you will like it.* Instead, for the purpose of reaching Tree Sap Taps, you can place Zipline Anchors and use the attachable motor (works like a skin, placed on leg armor) to go up to them. Once it's set up it can be a bit more convenient than grappling.

One tip I can give if you decide to make another attempt: bring a few high health Stego's with good saddles into the boss fight and let them wander around the arena. They'll draw the attention of the adds. I can't remember if they should be on passive or not, but it doesn't matter too much since they're just there as a distraction.
Also, I while running around the arena I would have your rockdrake cloaked as much as possible. You have to watch your stamina, but I found it helped immensely.

Anyway, that was a really fun watch! I'll be checking out some of your others!


100 days without dying on this map is impossible


I love this series! You are easily my favorite Ark YouTuber and builder. Thanks you for this film-length masterpiece. Looking forward to the next one ❤ Also I think Aberration has equus which are… decent? when it comes to gathering thatch, just for future reference 😂


Tames crab, can’t pick up bear. Casually picks up roll rat a few minutes later


*Sees lystros*
"These absolute riots are going to try to kill us"


Truly loovvveee how u put effort into your buildings and do the most of it unlike many who just put two foundations and go on with it
And noticed the voice change whenever you go under water, that’s so creative


This whole thing was beyond entertaining, so well done. But just as i took a break from watching and smoked a joint, I started watching again right when you started your first build. Maybe it was the weed, but i could watch that for hours. Well done!


This video was great. Loved the builds. Also, just the small editing bit of the underwater voice brought me great joy!


These 100 day vids just hit different man, it feels like you honestly put some time and soul into the playthrough and the builds are beautiful. Love it man God bless


This is my favorite map and I was super excited when you told me you were working on this!! Awesome job!


Chipzz, you always make my day. Your humor and ark skills are unmatched and truly inspire me to chase my dreams. Thank you for the great content! Also you names for your creatures are great!


Hey, just so you know, since the Stego's TLC, it has a mode that is great for gathering Thatch, just like it has one for wood and berries (Heavy for Thatch, Hard for Wood and Sharp for Berries iirc). So, for next time, having a Stego would help out quite a bit for building/gathering on Abb. Just like the last few, this video rocks! Keep up the great work man.


That featherlight build is amazing! Love the stairs as roof parts at the top. I was however laughing in horror as you tried to repeatedly feed your Baryonyx meat. I've no idea how yours did not starve. I'm actually shocked that you didn't die early on, even having watched videos on it. Amazing work. I can't count how many deaths I've had on Abb lol. Your 'yoink and tranq' karkinos strategy was fun to watch though.

Also the 'beautiful spino' thing got me, too. It's just underwater light there, it makes them look very pretty and blue-green but they're not :D

Your muffled-underwater-voice got me every time by the way, lol. And Rockwell calling you out for insulting him was A+.


Love you’re channel! The video was very entertaining, and I watched it from beginning to end without stop!

Though I do have something to say…

I can’t believe you just stumbled across a Alpha Basilisk, that was such a rare encounter.


Awesome video I definitely had to subscribe! Really nice builds too! Gonna have to reinstall ark to do a solo run of the maps for myself!


just got back into ark for the first time in two years, and i love these 100 day videos. i never played to beat maps before and your island video has me on the right track to beat it. super cool. wish i could play aberration though, console STILL has the nameless crash. every time.


Love this! I don’t know why the underwater part made me laugh so much 😂 but I loved the editing, loved the builds, it’s a long video so was gonna watch a little bit and carry on tommorow as it’s late, ended up watching the whole thing and enjoyed every min!
