How to get consistent sharp chainsaw chains! Oregon 410-120 chainsaw chain grinder #39

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I show how I set up and use the Oregon 410-120 chainsaw chain grinder. This grinder gives consistent angles on the cutters of my milling chain to help get consistent cuts when chainsaw milling.

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thanks for the video. But friend, you are taking off way to much. Lower your wheel into the gullet before starting. Then kiss it in a bit. Taking off that much at one time kill the temper of those teeth, causing you to lose that edge, needing it to resharpen, then continued temper loss. When you see smoke, thats too hot.


Why are you grinding away 1/2 of each tooth?


You take way too much metal from the chain when sharpening. Life of the chain is way less. & consistency of each tooth will be better if you clean the grit from the chain locator once in a while. I do like the brand of sharpener you choose. .002 to .003 of an inch is generally plenty to sharpen a chain, and you won't raise a burr on the chain. Have a great day.
