It was a freak accident, like Logan’s birth | Zoey 101

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people hate it when Zoey is being held accountable for her actions 🤣


Zoey 101 Never Gets old I'm Telling You That Right Now.


From the episode "People Auction"


Man, I remember this show too well ahead of its time to be that relatable 😄


When I was a kid back when this show started I had a crush on Logan and his hair also I’m gay🌈🌈


Is this from the Zoey 101 episode called People Auction that aired on Nickelodeon in April 2006?


Hey, Logan deserved that comment. If you're gonna make someone feel bad for a mistake they made, and rub it in their face, you deserve countered rudeness. It won't be long till the chef at my job says "how are you?" and I go "Meh" or tell her "I'm...kind of busy here." Why would I be that way? Because she was kind of harsh when she reprimanded me in my supervisor's office. She told me that I'd been touching my coworkers too much. Not THAT type of touch, of course not! Just casual ones, like on arms or shoulders. I was always very outgoing at work. When I asked her if anyone reported, she said it didn't matter. She told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment, and that I pretty much shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school (I work at a university's catering service). She told me I shouldn't tell my stories because they may be inappropriate to my coworkers. Now yeah, sometimes I guess I do say ✌"inappropriate"✌ stuff at work, but not _horribly nor intentionally._ I only meant to joke around and have fun with my coworkers (and I know they like to have fun with each other too). I really didn't get specific information from the chef about what and who. She understands/likes that I'm outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits, for good behavior and my coworkers' sake. And again, that I shouldn't touch anyone without consent. But seriously, I didn't mean to be so "handsy" (I say loosely). I am not like Dan at all. I'm really not.

And even if I needed a speech from the chef, I feel she'd gone a little too far too. Maybe she lectured me a little too much? Maybe it wasn't fair I was taken to my supervisor's office? Maybe it would've been better to just give me a gentle one-or-two-minute talk in the hall, with JUST the chef. And how condescending do you guys think it was for her to say to my boss, "Is there anything you want to add?" while I was IN the room? Heck, that's not as condescending as her asking me, before we enter the office, how my weekend was, and asking me _the next day_ how I was. Oh, yeah, I was doing quite great, a day after the lecture. Now, I'm not denying my mistakes, but at the same time, it feels like she and my boss might have misjudged me. You don't need to make a person feel worse for their mistake. The chef was somewhat like Logan. I dislike her immensely
