Greta Thunberg 'Our House is on Fire' 2019 World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos

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Greta has done it again. You go girl! Here Greta makes a historic statement to the world's glitterati, political, business, banking and entertainment celebrities all at once, point out that most of the ARE the problem! When it comes to climate in particular, and destruction of the biosphere in general, those she spoke to at Davos ARE the source of the problem. Let's see it this young lady's 'truth to power' shakes things up a little. It took a brilliant, focused child to say that these emperors and empresses have no clothes on.

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"I don't want your hope ... I want you to panic ... "


The tepid applause this child received after this amazing speech was an absolute disgrace.
If she sees this comment, I want her to know that there are currently thousands, perhaps millions of people giving her the standing ovation she deserves, and we will continue to do so for a very long time.


Dear Greta, your words resonate with me. A few sentences/words from your speech that struck me personally: "now is not the time for speaking politely" | "it's the time to speak clearly" | "you say nothing in live is black or white but that's a lie, a very dangerous lie" | "it seems like money and growth are our only main concerns" | "Carbon Budget must become our new global currency" | "no matter how uncomfortable and unprofitable thay may be" | "the bigger your platform, the bigger your responsibility". These words contain very clear calls for action, especially the last one: the bigger your platform, the bigger your responsibility. That gives a really good clue to how we could start solving these huge climate challenges: connect bigger platform responsibilities with actions instead of trying to solve this on a per land, per capita, per industry, per most emissions or per whatever other measure. To make it more practical, to start with, the biggest platform (top-x capitalists?) could start with accepting the most responsibility and develop a real, actionable trickle-down plan that feeds into biggest global impacts, those impacts to be democratically informed by other well thought-out global campaigns on the 'biggest' (and therefore most responsible?) platforms like Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter etc. to make a joint effort to find out what people of the World think the abundant money from the trickle-down plan can be best spent at. This in it's turn could inform country-level politics who then make a country-level plan based upon these global-level democratically stated needs/wants. We have to start somewhere. Even a 60% perfect fix is better than leaving this up to the invisible hand of the market or to failed politics.


Once again, so true. I am so happy about what you are doing Greta, and I so wish that the politicians would listen.


The sad thing is it's not our house thats on fire. It's hers, it's my 14 month old sons house. Her whole point is we don't inherit the earth from our parents. We borrow it from our children.


Wasn't it also a child that said The Emperor has no clothes?


And a child came and spoke the truth. Did people listen to her? We shall see. #tears


Totally and utterly brilliant! Thank you, Greta. <3


You go girl.. our focused straight to the point BraveHeart has spoken.. Now the world needs to listen.. with Bouth ear's 💕👍💕
Thank you from my heart Greta we love you dearly 💕🍃🌍🍃💕✌💜
Bravo 💕👏💕👏💕👏💕


at 16 I was literally thinking of bullshit. GRETAM I applaud you. I will start changing, for our future. Thank you


From the mouth of a 16-year-old may be that these closed hearts will be affected! Great speech Great, congratulations and long life for this fight that illuminates our hearts from the Sahel!


Unless those at Davos can figure a way to make another fortune from saving our planet they won't give a damn.


Get icebreakers out of the arctic ITS MELTING FAST ENOUGH now we're going to bust it up!!!??


*SLOW CLAP* I love this girl. She is so brutally honest it's refreshing.


The poor kids of this world will be stuck with what we have done due to our stupidity and greed. They will be left with a shattered planet that will no longer be conducive for human habitation. It is always the innocent that pay for the crimes of others!


brilliantly written speech by one of her superiors, truly breathtaking stuff.


I love you Greta, we love you Greta, you are all of us, we are one


The world has pulled together before in eliminating CFCs. Yes CO2 is more intertwined in out society and greedy companies want to continue but this IS something we can do!


Greta's words make me cry, though I force myself to listen. Part of the problem is people not paying attention because it is scary.


Climate relevant political decisions should be made only by public referenda from NOW on. We must not be afraid of our Goverment - The Goverment has to be afraid of us. And most obviously, WE know more than our " Representers " want to know.
