Are Gemini Men Jealous - How Does a Gemini Act When Jealous

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#1 He tries to monopolize your time.

A jealous Gemini can be spotted when you are out with him and a small group of friends, in addition to phoning you and seeking to spend as much time with you as possible.

If you observe him attempting to get your attention, it's probable that this Gemini guy is jealous of a romantic situation you're in.

# 2 He talks about his sex life.

If he is jealous of your relationship with another guy, he would most likely talk about his sex life with you more.

When Geminis are jealous, they talk about being with others in order to arouse envy.

# 3 He lavishes you with compliments

Another popular approach used by a jealous Gemini man is to lavishly compliment you more than he did before you started seeing someone else.

It can be pleasant and well-intended, but it is frequently overpowering, to the point of becoming embarrassing for you.

If this is the case, make sure to confront him about his words.

Do it as gently and tactfully as possible, and you'll discover that you've fixed the problem for the foreseeable future.

#4 It looks that he is uninterested in romantic connections.

If a Gemini man suddenly loses interest in dating and love, it could be due to jealousy.

# 5 It appears that he is depressed.

A Gemini man is often a cheerful and gregarious individual.

However, if he is suffering from a strong case of jealousy, he becomes quite grumpy.

This can be a significant departure from the guy you're used to interacting with.

If this is the case, try to talk to him about his actions and how they effect you.

You two may have an awkward talk, but it should hopefully open the gates of communication between you so that you may remain friends.

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My husband is gemini and I'm scorpio he so possive and obssesd on me 😕 his jealousy is so dangerous
