One Reason Why Generational Curses Don't Break When You Pray | Jennifer LeClaire

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Do you have hidden curses in your life? Let’s deactivate them!

I had a generational curse of addiction on my life and didn’t know it until I knew it. It was what we call in deliverance circles a “hidden curse.”

After I got saved I traced the family curse all the way back to my great, great grandmother, who used to make moonshine and spent every day drunk.

But catch this: The generational curse on my life was not activated until I was a teenager. That’s when I was exposed to drugs and alcohol and gave into temptation.

After that, I struggled with one form of addiction or another until I discerned and deactivated the generational curse. I broke the bloodline curse!

Now, I’m walking in the generational blessings—and I want to help you reverse the curse. You may not see hidden curses in your life. But through this deliverance course you will not only see them, you’ll be equipped to deactivate every generational curse, bloodline curse and family curse—and walk in generational blessings.

Don’t let the enemy steal, kill and destroy your life because on the sin of your ancestors. Jesus came to redeem you from every curse and deliver you into generational blessings.

Armed with revelation and an understanding of your authority in Christ, you’ll will be positioned to see greater prosperity in all areas of your life—physically, relationally, emotionally, financially and more.

Don’t wait another day to tap into the truth that sets you free.
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POWERFUL!!! It’s not just speaking the words!


My biggest problem, been praying, praying, praying


Can't wait to hear about the laws and what to do !


I had generational witchcraft on my bloodline that started 204 years ago. The curse was broken from bloodline when I and my immediate family repented out loud of the witchcraft by saying something like this. "Lord we come to you in agreement and we repent of the following generational curse witchcraft. Please forgive us of this. Replace this curse with a generational blessing of all my descendants being strong Christ followers, warriors for you Lord. Amen." You see negative behavior sins in your family my money is in it being a curse. Repent out loud of it with your family and replace it with a blessing. When the curse is following a false god the demonic spirit will have rights to hang around you and that goes for most curses. They hangout trying to get you to go down whatever that sinful behavior is like alcoholism, drug addiction, divorce, etc. Also generational curses and blessings are passed on to adopted kids from adoptive parents. I know this from experience and it being confirmed twice in my own family. And I believe if curses can be passed from adoptive parent to adopted kid they probably can be passed down via step parents and foster parents. I've been a Christian since I was five and discerned demonic spirits in my parents house all my life and didn't know why they were there until five years ago someone else with discernment told me they discerned witchcraft on me. I had generational Satanism and freemason curses and those were the spirits I was discerning in my home and my parents home. Once we repented of the curses those spirits had no rights to be in my home hanging out. The temperature in my home went up ten degrees in temperature too.


It’s not good to hear this without the follow up message. It makes you feel hopeless as the speaker tells of her friend, a great man of God, who died of stomach cancer.


I'm struggling with the same problem.when will my family get free


Bless your enemies and the enemy will flee!


Pastor help me, we are suffering from generational curses, nothing work for us in my family, always, failure, setback, disappointment, stagnition, we are suffering to much, we have gone to so many churches, fasten and prayers, do not avail, in my family no body is working, no job, poverty, we are ten of us in this family no body is working, failure in all our live, pastor help us we are confused, we have become food begger


A prophet of God prayed over a ring that i brought him. I prayed and slept with it on for 3 nights and it broke . 7 days fasting before all this too. God showed me in a dream how the demon entered thru my great grandfather he molested his daughters. The demon was married to me. I prayed my marriage well be in physical and to break the marriage with the demon and repent of my ancestors sin or really iniquity and brought to the throne room


Praise you Jesus I believe; help though my unbelief. Hallelujah I am healed. It is written, I believe and I am walking in His healing annointing.


What is the solution?!there must be a solution


The way to break a curse is to repent for whatever involvement has occurred on the enemy’s territory and rebuke the devil out of your life. ⬇️

You should also pray something along the following lines: ⬇️

Father, I ask you first to forgive me for my sins and cleanse me from any area where I have allowed the devil to enter my life.  I renounce any involvement with the works of darkness.  In the name of Jesus, I now cancel every curse, and Father, I ask you to forgive the people who have spoken them against me. I thank you that those curses will no longer operate against me.  In Jesus’ name, they are broken right now, by the power of Almighty God. I cancel every evil  that was spoken against me and ask you to cover me and my family with your protection according to your ➡️Word in Psalm 91 ⬅️


I just watched a post by you and you said that Jesus took our curses in the cross, or did I misunderstood????


Please, please, please, didn't what Jesus did (@ the cross) break every curse for all who come to Him and make Jesus Lord and Savior? We are made a new creation and we have His DNA? I last read in the Bible say Jesus' last word say, "It is Finished"? We live in the New Covenant this side of our new born again life. So when we say we have to break the generational curse because Jesus didn't complete His assignment? In Ezekiel 18 it reads "no longer will we be responsible for our father's iniquity or sins. If we sin then we take accountability and not our father and vice-versa.


Truth is, isn't it true that Jesus died for you on your behalf and you became born again. So are we saying Jesus did not break the curses before you? Huh? So do we have to do something in order for us to be free from all curses. Show a scripture in the New Testament where it says we need to break curses after the resurrection of Jesus. Please.


Is there a curse of sexual sin? Sure seems like it.
