John MacArthur explains the sin in smoking pot vs. drinking alcohol.

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For some people, any consumption of alcohol can alter their mental capacity


Hard one for me. I stopped smoking pot because it’s an issue of conscience and I fear the Lord. However, we are not saved by what we do or don’t do. We are saved by our faith in Christ.

If I compare the way I feel after smoking a joint to how I feel after a drink, there is no comparison. I used to smoke while driving to work at a six figure job which I continually got promoted. Pot was a way for me to self-medicate my adhd. It allowed me to sit and be still. It also helped me with sleep. But it did not change my mind and behavior. It changed my appetite, that’s for sure. But I would have no problem challenging Dr. MacArthur on that point which seems more like cultural conservatism than theological.


Pot does not make you lose your self control. It can alter your mind Yes but has no effect on self control. Alcohol on the other hand is way more damaging to it. And statistics show Alcohol is way worse in everyday pretty much.
Seems he's doesn't know much about Marijuana


What about those who use it vs opiods? Sorry I just disagree , pain killers almost killed me, and cannabis is great for pain.


Too much alcohol all the time is bad because then that means it has U


Not a single thing in the Bible says smoking marijuana is a sin. Heck it actually says don't be drunk. It never says don't be high. Pack up a bowl light it up and smoke it! if someone doesn't want a toke then they're just a drag. Their loss


I love these elders and I’m so thankful for these discussions. I would argue that we can’t just label it “sin”. The lack of self control for some is sin indeed, and something that every Follower of Jesus must tame, but to say that it is sin would mean that individuals who are really dealing with chronic illness and have tried it to help, and who found relief from their pain after deciding to stop taking big pharma meds, are in sin? I do not agree. That would be like me saying, “i took strong big pharma pain meds to help with kidney stone pain, but I’m in sin because it relaxed me and alleviated my pain to the point of feeling better.” Because it helps and feels good, it is sin? That is silly. The sin would be if I took those pills on purpose, all the time just to escape reality, which happened to many. The lack of self control is what caused the opioid epidemic. Lack of self-control is sin. Drinking even a small sip of alcohol can send an alcoholic into a bender because that was the foothold in their life. So to say anyone can drink a glass of wine at dinner is also silly, for the alcoholic who by the way was in sin not because they drank, but because they had no self control. They called Jesus a drunk and Glutton, all because he drank and ate. So I just don’t know about that argument. Of course, that is just my opinion and at the end of the day, we each should live before God and make sure we are in tune with our own conscience, being self-controlled. Each of us should strive to live in peace with others. I always appreciate these conversations, but I do disagree.


He explained that very well. Couldn't agree more.


If MacArthur only knew I read the whole entire MacArthur Study Bible smoking pot number one number two what about Genesis 2:9? The real question they should have asked them is is it a sin to have outlawed God's plant to begin with? The answer is yes


The only way that drinking a glass of wine will not affect your consiousness at all, is if you are a regular drinker. If you smoke marijuana every day then smoking a joint will not affect your consiousness either.
If you and your community just engage in a vice long enough that its considered tolerated and you no longer feel intoxicated by it, then its no longer a sin. What unbiblical nonsence.


Working for corporations alters me. I think their singular purpose is the worship of Mammon. Will an American preacher talk about that?


This take was deeply flawed since both alter your conscience I never hear of potheads getting into fights, but I hear of bar fights every weekend. 😂


Obviously these guys drink too much - neal a


I drink alcohol and get turnt up and wild I smoke weed and I am mellow chill let's sit and read. Not sold on this.


This is what happens when you have conflicting views between alcohol and drugs. Slippery slope...


A) at the wedding people said Jesus made the best wine. What makes wine good? It's potency. All alcohol is good for is getting drunk. John MacArthur is wrong for what he said.
B) How can he say alcohol doesn't alter the mind?

Look at the deaths, and violence resulting from alcohol use, VS the deaths and violence of marijuana use. Marijuana doesn't make you violent, or mindless. Alcohol makes people into someone completely different. There is no withdraw from marijuana but you can die from alcohol by drinking too much, killing your liver, and by withdraw, "the shakes" is what it's called.. Marijuana has never killed anyone or made a man beat, rape or kill. Alcohol has.


Jmac is saying that alcohol does not cause one to lose control but pot does. It has been my experience that the opposite is true. I am literally terrified of alcohol, because even the slightest bit of it will turn me into a person that I dont recognize. Pot does not do this to me.

Автор many reformed people lie about this...I am a former alcoholic can not have even a half glass of wine and not catch a buzz. .so you can't have it both ways....alcohol is a drug ..and if they say christians can drink alcohol...then a small buzz off of pot should be allowed as well. Either all of it is bad or not....


25 years a pastor and without it I'm back to pharmacy drugs that really change me. I happen to be very conservative. Just saying.


It's not a sin if it can be medication for someone with cancer, or keep someone calm to abstain from anger. Totally disagree with them on this and I suspect they're saying "yes, it's a sin" because they weren't looking at medical issues as a reason. They're thinking, "pot heads".
