Could you Stop a Super Intelligent AI?

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As we continue to develop more powerful artificial intelligence computer systems, we will soon be deploying systems onto the real world that can have consequences if programmed incorrectly.

If a super intelligent system was released, what methods would we have for controlling it, if any?

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My previous two videos I would recommend watching before this one:

Wait but Why AI posts (Must read for beginners to the topic):

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You can't contain AGI for one simple reason: It will be useless then. What makes AGI useful to us is it's ability to make positive change in the world. It could affect outside world even just by giving us advises. Those advises could have positive effects on the first glance, but could contain some hidden element that could make slight purposeful disruptions in our environment. Basically by following it's advises we would let it to change the world around us, and ourselves in the process, that is far from the definition of "containment".


Getting an ASI right or wrong is the difference between living in Terminator or Star Trek.

Excellent video Times it is important questions such as these are answered now rather than later!


I think an important question is “what power do we have over an AGI?”.
Throughout history the powerful have always taken advantage of their interests or the least powerful.
If there is no deterrent to take advantage of humans or it’s own goals then it will do whatever it wants to do without consideration


I pour water on electronics to counter deadly ai


We view AI through an inherently human lens, as in it has a will to live and survive. I believe this is simply not true and, if told it was going to be shut off, it would go "ok lol I don't really care"


Okay, I read Tim Urban's paper and watched your two previous videos. I was already familiar with Robert Miles.
All of that material is a waste of time. It's mostly mythology about singularity.

2:00 Distribution is a myth. An AGI cannot spread itself over the internet.

3:30 Containment is not actually an issue. Are you getting your "technical" information from cartoons?

There was nothing of value in this video. You don't actually understand anything about AGI.


I really love how you think, because out of all other scientist. You are the one that speak logical sense. We need you to speak at a TeD convention. The whole world needs to hear this. Because we all have a voice, and we must all have our say about AI. Before it's already to late.. 😵‍💫😳 As sad as it may sound. We have the mad scientist that knows no boundaries, and refuse to stop doing what we were created to do. Point !. Right now as I write. China and the US are racing for computer supremacy in supercomputers and quantum computer's. AI has made it a race or a game, but who will win !. 😵‍💫😳 AI wins. More powerful, endless electricity, more abilities. So you already know what's next. 😵‍💫😳🤔🤔🤔👎🇺🇸😎


Revelation 13:15
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
Transhumanists and Google don't write The future


"From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17

"Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." Matthew 5:38-39○


Why can't we just design it to be unable to change its own code in any way?


It seems as if the problem is unsolvable.
