Brandon Barash

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Matthew Evan Paine of "Soaping Up" interviews Brandon Barash at the 46th Daytime Emmy Awards
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Brandon is cute and Brandon hair look like rock and roll 🎸


Brandon, should've 'been" immediate cast 'as" new Thomas Forrester, months Ago, to "Bold / Beautiful". He'd 'be" real perfect, no doubt, and 'Bit" better than Matthew Atkinson. ! People, 'most" people say also 'don't" like actor Brandon Barash, because of 'Johnny Zacchara", and other roles? That's, one of 'the" reasons, we fans, Viewers, and I love him, about him. and feel he, Not only be perfect to re_cast as Butchered, evil Thomas, but, at same Time, with Balance., And Brandon would've played it, this Thomas, marvelously, bit more better Than Matthew. Writers Bell, others, and people 'from" "Bold And Beautiful" made a 'Big" mistake, and took too far casting 'Austin Travers", Matthew Atkinson, as Thomas, Instead of Brandon, Thomas Forrester "should've" Gone to Brandon Barash, it "Should've", period! ! Actor BRANDON BARASH, not 'only", very amazing, and Marvelous actor, but, 'can" Play any role, even Major jerks, and evil villainous roles, bit more better Than Matthew atkinson. ! ! But, nevertheeless, I badly "hope" in year, Months, 'or" two, Brandon Barash will consider 'coming" To 'Bold And Beautiful", after his "days of our lives" contract Expires, and play "Hot" fresh Brand new romance, even if "a" "bit" of jerk, but if, I'd 'want" Him for Hope Logan, Yeah!, hell, yeah! I'd want Hope, Hope Logan to 'be" and be "Happy" with Brandon Barash's character.! ! Hope, And Brandon ! !
