The scientist who faked over 50 studies

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I'd love to tell you that academic fraud, in the world of behavioural science, is new.'s not.

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Thanks for watching guys. The deeper I look into the academic discipline, the more broken parts I find. So will be talking more about this in future.

But this is not all I am passionate about. Behavioural science has a lot of good scientists and really interesting ideas. So videos on both the good and bad in the future.


Yeesh, when your PhD adviser has you write up your thesis using their own data that they provide for you instead of having you develop your own hypothesis, methodology, and collected set of data, you know that's a huge red flag!


It scares me how brazen and blatant most publicized cases of study fraud look. Raises the question of whether more sophisticated attempts are truly rare or a halfway intelligent fraudster just never gets caught.


Stapel's original sin was trying to *prove* his hypothesis. Instead he should have been trying to *test* it.


Videos like this really opened my eyes that I'm not crazy honestly... for my undergraduate thesis, I used someone's paper as a reference... i kept counting and counting but the number was just wrong.... i tried to email them, no answer too. I told my professor and he said "this has been peer reviewed, so yours the one might be wrong, check it again". Like I swear, I count it like 20+ times probably.. :") i ended up using my own calculation for my undergrad thesis but yeah, thanks for making videos like this!!


This professor's confession is worth more to the study of behavioral science than 60 academic papers


This is what happens when nobody bothers trying to replicate previous studies, an essential part of the scientific method. General rule of thumb: it's not real until it replicates.


The huge gray area between 100% correct data processing and transaparency and obvious data fraud is what worries me.


In the US, every research institution is required to have a Research Integrity Officer, who is the *only* person you should go to with suspicions of academic fraud. Bringing it up with the suspected person just gives them a chance to cover their ass or throw someone else under the bus.


You are slowly turning into the Coffeezilla who covers Academic Fraud. You and that Broccoli guy should team up to make the next big hitpiece doc.

All in all, thank you for this stuff and for bringing light into an often neglected section of academia. As entertaining as this is, it is important that people become more cognizant of this phenomenon.


This made me wanna watch a video on Joachim Boldt, the one with the most papers being taken down, at almost 200.


I once was a tutor for a group of smart students who wanted advices on how to do some experiments on which I was an expert. But their time and budget was so tiny that in the end the experiment they made had lost relavance. To my great surprise, they ended wit significant results and they got a good grade at their university. When I proposed them to publish their data, they told me they chose to fabricate everything because the raw data were meaningless. I was shocked. They were smart. They were a group, not an individual let alone with his décisions. The pressure on their shoulders was very mild because even with negative results they would have got their degree. Despite all of this they decided to cheat. Cheating when the risk of being coutch is small and the punishment would be mild IS THE PREFERES OPTION of most people. Even the smartest ones.


I really wonder how many of these academics have not been caught, because the ones that did get caught, did really stupid stuff. Using the same data set for multiple studies, writing the name of the university instead of the year, getting duplicate numbers of the subjects, ... It makes me think that anyone who's just a little bit better at covering their tracks would not be caught.


I like how "professionals" get caught doing their job wrong all the time, and I have to meticulouisly edit my resume so i can work at fedx kikos 😒


Wasn’t there something similar in Alzheimers research when one researcher mislead an industry for many years who wasted funds and years trying to find therapies based on this researcher’s findings but later it was found that this researcher’s work could not be replicated and his approach was abandoned.


Ok so one problem that I see is “getting your data from the advisor”. As a PhD student myself I would NEVER accept any data from a professor. There are valid and reliable online data
sources like ESS, but the purpose of getting a PhD is to experience the whole process from setting up studies, taking measurements, analyzing the data and writing the dissertation.


Thats how abusive personalities survive. They isolate those under them. They acuse others of their crimes, they play the victim's. And only when they know they are cooked do they then admit things and fall back on playing the victim.


Even in his apology, he's lying. Stapel wasn't obsessed with finding an explanation for certain phenomena: he was obsessed with obtaining academic status and research funds. The guy's a typical sociopath.


I just finished reading “Science Fictions” by Stuart Ritchie, and Diederik makes an appearance. It’s a great book that goes into a lot of depth about these kinds of issues. The academic and publishing culture and incentives take center stage in his critique, I think you’d really like the book. Ritchie is also a psychologist, and many of the examples he draws come from his field.


He should go to JAIL!! He intentionally STOLE MONEY and COMMITTED FRAUD!!! What the hell?!?! NO!!! Just because he’s “refreshingly honest?!” No he will have real world consequences!!!
