What I've Learnt From Being a Fangirl!

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Hello, Awesome Nerds!

Coming soon to a YouTube page near you...My second YouTube video!

Hopefully, this time my video is not just the nerdy, geeky, maybe helpful, fandom centred, often life-related and (hopefully) humorous content I want to create, through another vlog /comedy sketch style video.

But that, you'll learn more about; me (and how much of a fangirl I am!), the lifestyle that is being part of a fandom and also maybe it will encourage you to become more involved in the fandoms and things that you love!

So stay tuned for more awesome nerdiness!

Make sure to follow me on my social media links below (You know -so you can be kept up to date with the latest videos and also be forced to read far too many posts about fandoms and alpacas!)

Snapchat: @hellofromlibbyr

Also, if you're looking for something new to listen to, a fellow awesome nerd and a great friend of mine, Adela-Mae, just released her debut single- I'm Just Like You!

You can watch her music video here:

Or you listen to it on Spotify or download it from iTunes by searching for Adela Mae Marshall!

So, that's all for now Awesome Nerds!
Рекомендации по теме

Haha, this made me laugh so much Niamh! Thank you for making my morning! :) xx


This reminds me of every history class together :) xx
