How To Do A Table Top | The Right Way | Well+Good
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Table top is a position that we come across in so many fitness modalities from yoga, to pilates, to any strength-based floorwork. Today, trainer Rahel Ghebremichael is teaching us how to do a table top the right way so that we can get the most out of any strength exercises that go through the position. Watch to increase your strength and improve your form! #tabletop #therightway #wellandgood
1.On your hands and knees, walk your hands in line with your shoulders
2. Keep a slight bend in your elbows
3. Make an L-shape with your fingers
4. Press down into the mat with your thumb and pointer fingers
5. Lift out of your shoulders
6. Engage your core for a neutral spine
7. Keep your shoulders away from your ears
8. As you move into exercises through table top, keep your core activated, your spine neutral, and always come back to your table top form
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