The Antikythera Mechanism | Ancient GPS Aid? | Why Have We Only Found ONE?

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The Antikythera Mechanism is an ancient Greek mechanical device found to have been used to calculate the position of celestial bodies, namely the sun, the moon, the 5 known planets at the time, eclipses, and other celestial cycles, circulating in association with the Greek Zodiac circle and the Egyptian calendar. It’s the culmination of over 80 fragments discovered in 1901 in a shipwreck off the coast of Antikythera, Greece, which included numerous bronze gears with finely tuned teeth, plus dials and even writings indicating to it’s primary function.



#AntikytheraMechanism #AncientComputer #Orrery
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You seem to have a slight misunderstanding how rare archaeological findings are.

Us not finding one of these objects on land is not the least bit surprising. We are only able to uncover maybe of the items in ancient times due to it all being buried, destroyed, and decomposed.

So many things have to align for us to actually discover something even half-way intact.

The things we do discover are either by complete luck, or they were so plentiful at the time that the items were everywhere.


Thanks for your time, it’s appreciated! Keep posting, I’ll keep watching 🤗🤗


A first rate discussion of a most intriguing object. Thank you! You’ve certainly convinced me that the construction of this instrument was within the knowledge base and technology of its time, but the cost of production must have been (relatively) enormous! Not surprising then if they were a notable rarity in their time, and that only one (?) has (more or less) survived until now!
I’ve only recently discovered your channel and enjoy your well researched content. The YouTube algorithm is not giving you the exposure you deserve! Maybe some more click- baitey titles would help, and could be forgiven in the interests of getting some well reasoned discussion of these topics a decent airing. Heaven knows the purveyors of sensationalist claptrap get plenty of exposure!


Dan good research. Please carry on. Chris


This mechanism is basically a 3d model. The astronomical & mathematical knowledge it represented would have most likely been held somewhat "sacred" by those who controled/ had access to it in a time when literacy was not at its highest. The man hours required to actually fabricate the mechanism might partly explain why more weren't found. Mass production by unskilled labor in this case just would not have worked. And would there have been a demand for a highly expensive, rare model of the cosmos? I doubt the average ship's captain could afford such a luxury. Then, as now, economics of demand & politics influenced technological advancements. A few smart people could not prevail against war & natural disasters unfortunately. I tend to think these items were rare & one of kind items built by or for a wealthy/noble person who had the influence/wealth to attract the best & brightest to his/her court. It was found at the botom of the sea because it was loaded onto a boat (overloaded in fact) as spoils of war (or possibly by people trying to escape that fate & flee with as much of value as possible) I always love when archaeology proves that ancient peoples weren't less intelligent or resourceful than we are today 👍


Sure seems there would be simpler and larger models too


I tend to think that it is a Prototype or a 'one off', I find it hard to conceive of such a masterful device being used on a run of the mill ship. 'Clearly' the absence of land based finds shows its rarity and hence its uniqueness. I had thought that Archimedes was probably the only person who could have created such a device but you quote references before his time so I don't know. For it to work the 'shape' of the teeth on each wheel must of necessity be attuned together and that is no small feat for if not tuned wear and tear will quickly bring the mechanism to a halt. (I did technical drawing in school so am bit of a knerd on this). It was a prized treasure for sure and one wonders what else is hiding under the sands.


So much widespread evidence suggests our ancestors were indeed "Gods" with greater intellect and abilities and that their knowledge was lost, only to be rediscovered much later through "cumulative" efforts. Perhaps the ancients had fully functioning Savant brains, of which we retain only a remnant, and can no longer access without brain damage.
