Solution to Quiz 3 - Part 2: Basic Algebra Review

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(1) A boy playing under the streetlight noticed that the length of shadow of his 5-foot stick erected vertically on the pavement, is 20 inches. He then challenge his friends to a P5.00 bet that he can determine the length of their stick by just measuring the shadow. Erected vertically on the same spot, the length of shadow of the longer stick is 32 inches. How long is it?
(2) Find the term that is independent of x in the expansion of (𝟐+𝟑/𝒙^𝟐 ) (𝒙−𝟐/𝒙)^𝟔
(3) If one root of the quadratic equation with integer coefficients is 3+4i, what is the constant term of the equation?
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