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8th JANUARY 2023
First reading: Isaiah 60:1-6.
Responsorial Psalms: Psalm 72:1-2.7-8.10-11.12-13
Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a.5-6 Gospel Acclamation: Mathew 2:2
Gospel: Mathew 2:1-12
Ministering: Fr Augustus Aduaka
The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek epiphainen, a verb that means "to shine upon," "to manifest," or “to make known.” Thus, the feast of the Epiphany celebrates the many ways that Christ has made Himself known to the world, mainly the three events that manifested the mission and divinity of Christ: the visit of the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12), the baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:9-11), and the miracle at Cana (John 2:1-11). The holy mother church teaches that Jesus is the Savior of the world. He comes not just for one group of people but for all. The magi, or kings, or astrologers, or seekers from the East, stand in for all the peoples of the earth," "They represent all the people, including ourselves, who have found their way to Christ, who have found in him the meaning of their lives, and the light which guides them. They also represent the inner hope of the human spirit showing that it strives for the meaning that Jesus brings to life."Father Mark Nolette explains that these gifts can be seen as representing this threefold mission of Christ and the Christian,”
Frankincense: "Frankincense was often used in divine worship. It becomes, then, an apt symbol of Christ as priest. It is also a symbol of Christ’s divinity. Note that the magi prostrate themselves before the child Jesus and do him homage. In Matthew’s Gospel, such words are only used for God or Jesus. No one else. This is divine worship.
Myrrh: “Myrrh was often used in burials, especially of prominent people who could afford it. Because of this, Christians often interpreted this gift as referring to the coming suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. In this sense, myrrh can be seen as representing Christ as prophet. We think of the Suffering Servant prophecies of Isaiah that pointed to this in Isaiah 53. We also recall the words of Simeon to Mary at the circumcision of Jesus in the Temple In Luke 2:34.
Gold: “Gold has long been seen, in many cultures, as a gift for kings, or denoting kingship. It is easy to see how this gift points to the kingship of Christ. In many places in Scripture, from Old Testament references like Psalm 72 to descriptions of the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation, we see references to gold and other precious materials being offered to God or to the Messiah. It’s interesting to see how Psalm 72 connects the offering of gold to the king’s mission to bring about justice for his people. The gift of mercy and justice is inseparable from Christ’s role as king and from our role as kings in service to the kingship of Christ.”
A fourth gift? The Magi actually gave a fourth gift as well; the witness of their actions. He says they show us that we will often find God in places and in people where we are not expecting him, that we must have a willingness to change and to open ourselves up to God, and that faith requires a commitment and should be shaped by the Scriptures as interpreted by the living tradition of our church.“[The magi] expected the king to be born in Jerusalem, and so, they headed in that direction. In Jerusalem, they showed themselves prepared not just to follow their own information but to seek help. The religious leaders of the city are consulted. They research the Scriptures and send the journeying seekers to Bethlehem. The magi discover God’s word. It is that word which guides them closer to their destination,” says Bishop Deeley. “The challenge of our lives is to see the ways God shows himself to us.”Although the magi have been given names, Caspar, Balthazar and Melchior, the Gospel doesn’t actually include their names or even that they are kings. Other than the fact that they are from the East, even their countries of origin aren’t known.
WHAT TO DO TODAY ✓Bless Him for the word of today that has served as an eye opener for you
✓Commit your day into the hands of God
✓Pray for your intentions for the new year.
✓Ask for the grace to always witness to Christ wherever you find yourself.
Fr Amuma prays for you as always. Happy new year.
8th JANUARY 2023
First reading: Isaiah 60:1-6.
Responsorial Psalms: Psalm 72:1-2.7-8.10-11.12-13
Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a.5-6 Gospel Acclamation: Mathew 2:2
Gospel: Mathew 2:1-12
Ministering: Fr Augustus Aduaka
The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek epiphainen, a verb that means "to shine upon," "to manifest," or “to make known.” Thus, the feast of the Epiphany celebrates the many ways that Christ has made Himself known to the world, mainly the three events that manifested the mission and divinity of Christ: the visit of the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12), the baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:9-11), and the miracle at Cana (John 2:1-11). The holy mother church teaches that Jesus is the Savior of the world. He comes not just for one group of people but for all. The magi, or kings, or astrologers, or seekers from the East, stand in for all the peoples of the earth," "They represent all the people, including ourselves, who have found their way to Christ, who have found in him the meaning of their lives, and the light which guides them. They also represent the inner hope of the human spirit showing that it strives for the meaning that Jesus brings to life."Father Mark Nolette explains that these gifts can be seen as representing this threefold mission of Christ and the Christian,”
Frankincense: "Frankincense was often used in divine worship. It becomes, then, an apt symbol of Christ as priest. It is also a symbol of Christ’s divinity. Note that the magi prostrate themselves before the child Jesus and do him homage. In Matthew’s Gospel, such words are only used for God or Jesus. No one else. This is divine worship.
Myrrh: “Myrrh was often used in burials, especially of prominent people who could afford it. Because of this, Christians often interpreted this gift as referring to the coming suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. In this sense, myrrh can be seen as representing Christ as prophet. We think of the Suffering Servant prophecies of Isaiah that pointed to this in Isaiah 53. We also recall the words of Simeon to Mary at the circumcision of Jesus in the Temple In Luke 2:34.
Gold: “Gold has long been seen, in many cultures, as a gift for kings, or denoting kingship. It is easy to see how this gift points to the kingship of Christ. In many places in Scripture, from Old Testament references like Psalm 72 to descriptions of the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation, we see references to gold and other precious materials being offered to God or to the Messiah. It’s interesting to see how Psalm 72 connects the offering of gold to the king’s mission to bring about justice for his people. The gift of mercy and justice is inseparable from Christ’s role as king and from our role as kings in service to the kingship of Christ.”
A fourth gift? The Magi actually gave a fourth gift as well; the witness of their actions. He says they show us that we will often find God in places and in people where we are not expecting him, that we must have a willingness to change and to open ourselves up to God, and that faith requires a commitment and should be shaped by the Scriptures as interpreted by the living tradition of our church.“[The magi] expected the king to be born in Jerusalem, and so, they headed in that direction. In Jerusalem, they showed themselves prepared not just to follow their own information but to seek help. The religious leaders of the city are consulted. They research the Scriptures and send the journeying seekers to Bethlehem. The magi discover God’s word. It is that word which guides them closer to their destination,” says Bishop Deeley. “The challenge of our lives is to see the ways God shows himself to us.”Although the magi have been given names, Caspar, Balthazar and Melchior, the Gospel doesn’t actually include their names or even that they are kings. Other than the fact that they are from the East, even their countries of origin aren’t known.
WHAT TO DO TODAY ✓Bless Him for the word of today that has served as an eye opener for you
✓Commit your day into the hands of God
✓Pray for your intentions for the new year.
✓Ask for the grace to always witness to Christ wherever you find yourself.
Fr Amuma prays for you as always. Happy new year.