💀Phase 2 Preparation & Guide for WotLK Classic💀Everything You Need to Know!

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Phase 2 Preparation & Guide for WotLK Classic - Everything You Need to Know!
With phase 1 of wrath of the lich king classic having been out for a while now, many of us have reached max level, done our heroic world tours, and have cleared the phase 1 raids. We’ve learned that even after a 25% damage and health buff, Wrath of the Lich King Naxxramas isn’t all that challenging, and everyone has started to ask when will phase 2 start?
Most predictions guess that we’ll see phase 2 released sometime in January, which will include the release of one of the most iconic raids in the history of world of warcraft – Ulduar.
In this video we’ll be going over what’s new that you can look forward to in phase 2 of wrath classic, and what you can start doing now to prepare to make the most out of phase 2.
What’s interesting about phase 2 is that when Ulduar was added to the game originally, it was the first major content patch that included dual spec, ground mounts finally learning how to swim, and remember how you had to be near a Lexicon of Power to apply your glyphs? That was removed in phase 2. But since we’re playing on the last major content patch of wrath of the lich king, all these changes have already been implemented in phase 1, and so, Phase 2 has less major changes than the first patch did back in the day.
One of the big new changes coming in phase 2 is the beginning of the Argent Tournament. The Argent Crusade have taken a foothold off the northeastern coast of Icecrown and have begun constructing the tournament grounds. Similar to how you see Brewfest setting up a few days before the event, the argent tournament grounds are being built. You can find a few daily quests there, but not nearly as many as when the tournament grounds are fully completed in phase 3 of wrath classic.
And of course, the biggest news of all that everyone is looking forward to returning to, or maybe even exploring for their first time ever, is Ulduar.
This is the first raid ever in the history of world of warcraft to have both a normal and a hard mode for the same raid boss. What’s even more exciting if you like a challenge, is that we’ll be getting pre-nerf Ulduar! So even if you think you think that this raid is a breeze, you might be surprised.
There were so many changes made to Ulduar, from undocumented hotfixes, buffs, and of course nerfs across both trash packs and nearly every single raid boss. And rest assured, anything that was later buffed will be in it’s buffed state - In a recent developer interview Blizzard stated that they are being very intentional about making sure that pre-nerf Ulduar is also post-buff Ulduar, featuring an Ulduar that will be as difficult as it possibly can be. Which definitely be exciting, especially for experienced players who know Ulduar and could end up finding a few surprises as they enter this new version of Ulduar.
The list of changes is truly massive. You can randomly pick a boss in Ulduar and find multiple changes - look at Ignis for example, or Razorscale, or the big one - Yogg-Saron with a massive wall of text worth of changes. Within these list of changes there are bug fixes, and alterations to abilities not working as intended that ultimately lead to a net 0 change, but there are also nerfs, like the 15% health reduction of Guardians of Yogg-Saron in phase 1 and Immortal Guardians in phase 3 in heroic mode.
But with a pre-nerf Ulduar we’re also going to be seeing buffed gear that drops from it. Blizzard is planning to increase the item level of the gear that drops in Ulduar.
#WotLK #WoW #WoWClassic
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Phase 2 Preparation & Guide for WotLK Classic - Everything You Need to Know!
With phase 1 of wrath of the lich king classic having been out for a while now, many of us have reached max level, done our heroic world tours, and have cleared the phase 1 raids. We’ve learned that even after a 25% damage and health buff, Wrath of the Lich King Naxxramas isn’t all that challenging, and everyone has started to ask when will phase 2 start?
Most predictions guess that we’ll see phase 2 released sometime in January, which will include the release of one of the most iconic raids in the history of world of warcraft – Ulduar.
In this video we’ll be going over what’s new that you can look forward to in phase 2 of wrath classic, and what you can start doing now to prepare to make the most out of phase 2.
What’s interesting about phase 2 is that when Ulduar was added to the game originally, it was the first major content patch that included dual spec, ground mounts finally learning how to swim, and remember how you had to be near a Lexicon of Power to apply your glyphs? That was removed in phase 2. But since we’re playing on the last major content patch of wrath of the lich king, all these changes have already been implemented in phase 1, and so, Phase 2 has less major changes than the first patch did back in the day.
One of the big new changes coming in phase 2 is the beginning of the Argent Tournament. The Argent Crusade have taken a foothold off the northeastern coast of Icecrown and have begun constructing the tournament grounds. Similar to how you see Brewfest setting up a few days before the event, the argent tournament grounds are being built. You can find a few daily quests there, but not nearly as many as when the tournament grounds are fully completed in phase 3 of wrath classic.
And of course, the biggest news of all that everyone is looking forward to returning to, or maybe even exploring for their first time ever, is Ulduar.
This is the first raid ever in the history of world of warcraft to have both a normal and a hard mode for the same raid boss. What’s even more exciting if you like a challenge, is that we’ll be getting pre-nerf Ulduar! So even if you think you think that this raid is a breeze, you might be surprised.
There were so many changes made to Ulduar, from undocumented hotfixes, buffs, and of course nerfs across both trash packs and nearly every single raid boss. And rest assured, anything that was later buffed will be in it’s buffed state - In a recent developer interview Blizzard stated that they are being very intentional about making sure that pre-nerf Ulduar is also post-buff Ulduar, featuring an Ulduar that will be as difficult as it possibly can be. Which definitely be exciting, especially for experienced players who know Ulduar and could end up finding a few surprises as they enter this new version of Ulduar.
The list of changes is truly massive. You can randomly pick a boss in Ulduar and find multiple changes - look at Ignis for example, or Razorscale, or the big one - Yogg-Saron with a massive wall of text worth of changes. Within these list of changes there are bug fixes, and alterations to abilities not working as intended that ultimately lead to a net 0 change, but there are also nerfs, like the 15% health reduction of Guardians of Yogg-Saron in phase 1 and Immortal Guardians in phase 3 in heroic mode.
But with a pre-nerf Ulduar we’re also going to be seeing buffed gear that drops from it. Blizzard is planning to increase the item level of the gear that drops in Ulduar.
#WotLK #WoW #WoWClassic
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