The One Thing No One Is Telling You About The Jewish Exile.

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Tisha B'Av is the saddest day in the Jewish calendar.
We cry, we pray and we sulk.
But are we really actually doing anything about it?!
Ill be giving the hard to swallow, truthful facts about that terrible day, and what the problem really is!

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Check out our HOMEBOUND To Eretz Yisroel Video Series .
Homebound is a video series geared towards Jews searching for the unfiltered truth about the Holiness of Eretz Yisroel, the land that Hashem designed specifically for the spiritual needs of Klal Yisroel, and how it plays a major role in our nations destiny. In this series we go through the Torahs perspective on the Holy Land, and why it is in every Jews best interest to live in Eretz Yisroel, and to make Aliyah.

Video by: Jerusafilm Productions
Filmed and Directed by: Michoel Weichbrod
We are a full scale video production company doing work for clients all over the world.
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When we lived in Monsey and told people we wanted to move to Eretz Yisrael, people asked us, "Why?" In Passaic, the response was "Mazal Tov!" It's been 14 years since we moved here, and I don't look back.


Yes yes and yes again!! You are saying everything i keep saying again and again to my friends and family in chutz la'aretz and articulating it so well! Thank you for this!! I could not be prouder and so happy that you guys are on this journey with us and we helped inspire you guys to move! We are cheering you on and spreading the medsage as well... there IS NO OTHER PLACE TO BE.
Thank you!


HaShem made a prediction that He would bring in all Bnei Yisrael from the 4 corners of the earth.


This is a painfully true video.
It may not sound sweet and motivational but it is a deep cry. It is the call of Calev and Yehoshua...

Granted, Your grandparents and parents may have raised you in America and that's how you ended up there, so you may not be to blame, but that in no way justifies continuing the mistake for your future as well! By you moving to Israel, your children and all your future generations will live in the Land Hashem promised us. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE HISTORY FOREVER!!

I did it. And I thank Hashem every day that I came back home after 2, 000 years. I promise you it is infinitely better here!!!

Please come home too!


Thank you so very much for your POWERFUL video. I pray that it is heard and acted thousands..


It is the same with our land. Once rich with resources - now it is being handed over - part and parcel to our enemies who verbally state that they wish to destroy us all from every corner of the globe. Their anger has been released upon us in every country.


Thank you you dont even realize how much ur boosting me !! Had a hard day csme to isreal with my family wishing to find my place and irs alot to think of and need constabt boosts i ctied and begged hashem that i wanna go home to isreal i wanna be here just feel overheelmed but you should know i look out for your videos you are a true fighter for the truth and thats what i want to fight for the truth and it can get overwhelming at times but i know hashem will direct us to the right place .


Planning to make aliyah in next few months. Really scary time for me - thanks for the chizuk!


Amen. Over 600, 000 died in the desert because HaShem was angry at those who did not believe that the defenses of the Kana'ani were taken down. The next generation saw the walls of Yerico taken down under Yehoshua (Yeshua).


Kol hakavod!!!!
Brilliantly and eloquently said, from the heart, and professionally made video.
Be"D words from your heart will enter theirs.


Very well said, but its clear that a not countable amount of gedolim(not just rabbis from chuz laaretz) didnt put a stress and a focus on living in eretz yisroel. R moshe feinstien, the rav you mentioned in the video has a tshuva stating that its not a chiyuv to live in eretz yisroel. Now, dont get me wrong i agree with all that you said but i don’t think its the physical “living” in eretz yisroel which should be pushed (like i said before many gedolim didnt push it and they themselves passed away and were buried in chutz laaretz) rather its the desiring the shchina, the presence of hashem to come back and that will be strongest in yerushalayim. I think you’re right this mitzvah is forgotten about and your right the way people are living in chutz laaretz is nothing less than abominable, but the idea is that we should crave hashems presence, his holiness, his torah, thats what the real craving for living in israel is, not moving there just for the sake of moving there. I would love to hear what you have to say(the one speaking in the video)


WE ARE STILL IN GALUS!! And I know more than one American whose yiddishkeit has suffered in Eretz Yisrael. Parnassah worries could affect shalom bayis, kids' chinuch. The mentality difference can affect your health.
Don't do something that is wrong for you because of misguided advice.


Thank you for these videos !!! Where in bet shemesh do most americans live we came to bet shemesh it is so big !! Kind of lost finding my place .. we r young looking to find our place between americans thay made aliyah ..there is aleph etc etc ... any additopnal info would be helpful


Brilliant video, shared widely, one question, build the Beit haMikdash? I did not think that is on anyone's to do list at this time of history. Much has to change, and even then, my understanding Is that that is the job of the Mashiach, after all our enemies are destroyed. Your statement could be misconstrued.


Jews belong in Israel, the best and blessed place on earth to live. Standing with Israel and praying for you ❤️ Israel 🇮🇱


Another great video, powerful and inspiring!


Wow! Waiting to hear those words for a long time. I hope it reaches many Jewish hearts and souls.


Tisha B’Av is about the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash which came about because of sinas chinam and hatred and division between Jews. Instead of focusing on the beauty of Eretz Yisroel, this video seems to spend a lot of time insulting and vilifying Jews who don’t live in Israel or who don’t prioritize that, making it seems completely bad and illogical. Maybe I’m missing something but this seems pretty anti Tisha B’Av and anti Torah to me. We need more unity, not more division and judging others


WHY have my comments in support of Israel been blocked here??


@8:41 so what do the current rabbis say? why don't you interview them, for all to see and hear?
