ranking stranger things ships

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actually, i changed my mind, i ship eddie and steve with me 😏

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If Steve dies I’m coming with him, Robin also can’t die tho. Robin and Steve are Platonic soulmates I love love their dynamic


Just letting you know in a interview with the producers they said that everyone on the crew and the people who wrote the season forgot will’s birthday. So they changed it to another date.


poor will as soon as his traumatized ass steps foot in hawkins vecna is gonna have a field day with him


I simply cannot in good faith ship Nancy and Steve. Honestly??? I want them both to be single by the end. Making Nancy get together with Steve in the end feels like a reversal on her character development that she's been going through for the past 4 seasons. I don't WANT Nancy to be tossed around from boy to boy. She has dreams!! She's going to a dope ass liberal arts college where she can meet new people! Explore new possibilities! I don't want her to be tied forever to Hawkins or the people she knew there. And I can say the same about the entire cast. People meet. And sometimes, they leave. Sometimes, people leave from your life unceremoniously, and people who meant the world to you are just. Memories. That feels like it should be a core message of Stranger Things: to move on.


I think Eddie and Chrissy had potential but also it’s so wholesome how much Jason cared about her imo
Y’all I thought she was 18- wasn’t she the class of 86? And Eddie said he was trying to graduate that year so wouldn’t she be 18?

bro I didn’t mean to start a war
Honestly I don’t hate Jason- I think he was pretty justified, considering most of the evidence did frame Eddie to be the murderer.
He’s upset that his girlfriend was murdered because he loved her- and he wants to get revenge on the person that hurt her
I don’t see him as a completely bad person honestly


Will doesn’t just deserve better than Mike, he deserves the fucking world.


God I hope they don’t kill Robin. Please not another kill off our gays thing. She is the only out there canon gay character I got man. No killing Robin. 😭

Also I have Nancy and Robin at the top of my shipping list just because they’re so fucking cute and remind me of my partner and I at times.


They better not kill off Robin, they better not pull a "bury the gays"


Shawn Levy said that if Steve dies, he'll leave the show. "Lose Steve, you lose me." He's the producer who directed episodes 3 and 4 of this season btw.


I dont ship Mike and WIll. Will can do better.


Time stamps!
1:20 Joyce and hopper
2:06 Lucas and max
2:40 Chrissy and Eddie
3:24 Steve and billy
3:45 Joyce and Bob
4:03 Billy and mikes mom
4:33 Dustin and Suzie
5:29 Nancy and jonathon
6:29 Steve and jonathon
6:35 will and eleven
6:58 will and mike
8:28 mike and eleven
10:08 mike and max
10:22 Nancy and robin
10:51 eleven and max
11:20 argyle and eden
12:20 Nancy and steve


So you are not gonna put Steve and Eddie in here? because they could totally have what Steve and Nancy couldnt


Honestly I agree but I feel like byler could happen because of early season mike and some kind of like internalised homophobia that developed over the season but because of mikes parents I think both the wheeler kids have a hard time with expressing themselves in relationships


Lucas and Max are a great odd couple if that makes sense. Their personalities are quite different and yet they complement each other because of it. I feel like Lucas is quite a confident and assertive character while Max is more guarded and - idk insecure maybe? Which ties into her upbringing being really crappy? Also like how each is as stubborn as the other, it definitely lends a certain dynamic to their chemistry.

Dustin and Suzie need to meet IRL in the final season. I don't care how the Duffer brothers do it, they're just too cute together to be long distance. Wasn't really sure if I liked Suzie that much but after seeing her chaotic home life I'm 100% on board with seeing more of her.

Nancy and Jonathan is an unexpected one, particularly due to the circumstances of season 1, but I dunno the spark between these two is undeniable. Please don't let this be the writers allowing them to grow closer only for one to be killed off! My heart couldn't take it!

Will and Mike can never happen. I've gone through the five stages of shipping these two and have now finished my journey at acceptance. Mike doesn't like him back in that way, but wouldn't that be an incredible plot twist? I think Will needs a boyfriend though for sure, somebody who loves him as much as the fandom does.


I hate Nancy and Steve as a couple. I’d rather them just have the bestie team up to help/protect the kids. I want to see them “team work makes the dream work” their way to victory.


I personally enjoyed Jonathan's and Nancy's love story more. I mean Nancy fell out of love for Steve at that moment and felt more conected to Jonathan. So, i'm hoping they stick together so my boy Steve finally moves on.


Actually, the Duffers accepted that they forgot Will’s birthday so 💀 they plan to change it to May 22nd so it's not all as sad as it is rn


Personally, Steve and Nancy is a big nope for me. They developed so much past their relationship in season 1/small bit of season 2, and it was good to see them remain friends past the toxicity that had kind of been present during their relationship. And season 3 was really a lot of Steve being able to move on and feel ok again after what he’d gone through, especially with his acceptance of Robin being gay. I personally crave Steve and Eddie being a thing because their dynamic was great, Steve being bisexual just makes sense for his character and would really add an extra level of besties to him and Robin because they can bond over loving women AND being not at all straight. Give me Steve and Eddie Netflix, give me popular himbo with a heart of gold and the emo nerd who’s going through it, that’s the mlm shit we deserve


Just a friendly reminder that I’ve seen Mike stare at Will’s lips 7 times


im not a big fan of nancy and steve romantically together bc i feel like they just clash. steve needs to protect someone, but nancy doesn't want to be protected, so it just doesn't feel like it would work out.
