Cool costumes! Hope we get to photoshoot together one day!
They look Awesome! Can't wait to get all my gear in to start.
Sweet costumes! I plan to make my own STALKER costumes one day. Already have the cloths I need for a Bandit setup.
Really good cosplays nice job btw you should make a discord server that would be cool
At least we’re I live like like most of the call of pipyrat map we even have and old abandoned ship like a walk away
I cosplayed as a snork several times in college
What jackets would you recommend for a STALKER inspired cosplay? I cant find any good ones.
Something with a hood and camo would be great but still military inspired
The radiation is probably getting to my head know
Looks really good, may i ask where did you buy the OZK suit?
I like how the music and the surrounding looks creepy with the vanguard
Edit: what coat is the vanguard wearing?
Specter : What is that type of jacket called? 1:03
Does Spectre have a Czechoslovak vz.60 bag?
Iam makeing a Chernobyl liquidator costume
Do you guys have a place to meet because If it’s like bigillions of miles away I can’t go cause I life in Santa Cruz and I trying to make a stalker related Channel
I know its been two years but where can I find that
beautiful coat that Spectre has
I've been making my own cosplay, where exactly are stalker conventions? Especially ones that are airsoft friendly. The only cosplays around here are very gun restricted. And I also can't go to a different country or anything. I just need some advice.
I have every part for spectre all I need is the jacket I can’t find any jackets like that and I need help
Da dove è che prendi tutti i pezzi, che mi interesserebbe forae anche a me rifarli?
Fronte where do you take all of this pieces, because maybe could intresting me?