E173: Google buying HubSpot? FTX depositors not made whole, AI job fears, Ukraine joining NATO

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(0:00) Meet All-In's new CEO: Jon Haile!
(7:13) FTX Correction: Depositors are not getting "made whole"
(19:26) Trump Media updates
(27:12) Google considering bid to acquire HubSpot: Price, relevancy, feasible with regulators? Should Google investors be worried or excited?
(49:20) AI job loss fears go mainstream, potential for autonomous domestic robots in next five years
(1:11:17) Blinken says Ukraine will join NATO: WW3 risk, election implications

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Well done Friedberg, amazing having him finally add value in geopolitical topics. I don’t think it’s his primary interest but definitely brings a unique, calculated and intelligent perspective. Love the Pod, keep up the amazing work!!


John, please DO NOT change the theme song for All-In. It’s the best and I listen to it in its entirety before and after the pod. Love you besties!


I actually laughed out loud at that “Sacks spearheading the interview process” bit 🤣


David Sachs is spot on with SBF . He is my favorite, and his viewpoints are usually fantastic.


Gentlemen, there is a difference between job categories and individual employment. Historically, productivity was enhanced and ended up leading to the desolation of entire towns and cities as the winds of change swept through them. Horse trainers and carriage builders did not suddenly become better at building cars, they died out. Draftsmen didn’t suddenly become proficient at CAD, they retired out. This is the first time that a change of this magnitude will outpace natural attrition.


Well said Mr. Sacks! We the people don't want WW3.


Waiting for the South Park version of All-In...


Jon’s title should be Director of Diva Management


David overlooks that during the initial negotiations in Belarus, Russia “supposedly” not only demanded that Ukraine sign a treaty to prevent NATO membership but also proposed reverting NATO to its 1997 borders, effectively expelling 14 member states. Additionally, Russia insisted on recognizing Donetsk and other eastern regions of Ukraine as independent states and acknowledging the annexation of Crimea by the international community. If accurate, thats one hell of a request… While obviously I didn’t partake in the negotiations, both sides likely argue the reasonableness of their demands while accusing the other of overreach. Truth is probably somewhere in the middle. But geopolitics is never clear cut/simple..

It’s also worth noting that during the negotiations, miles of Russian armor was immobilized in knee high Ukrainian mud while getting slapped by US Javelins, Russia definitely wasn’t negotiating from a position of power at that time.


Truly fabulous how Jon says NOTHING. He's totally there for productivity and I love it.
Friday All-In is my favorite hour of the week (other than all the fabulous chaotic hours that involve my ladies 🙂).


Jason, you are out of touch with the common man if you think the average person could afford $1, 000 monthly to do housework! You could hire a human for less money, but a robot must cost less than a human. It is a cost/benefit issue; the benefit must exceed the cost to make any sense. Is there a home job/effort in an average home worth $1, 000 for the person? Today, the average annual income in America is $63, 795 (gross income before taxes), which is $5, 316 per month, so $1, 000 a month is 20% of their monthly income. Do you really think the average person will spend 20% of their gross monthly income to do the dishes and laundry? Really? There is a tipping point, but it is not $1, 000 for the mass market.


the NATO WW3 segment should have been the first segment. One of your best segments ever.


Look forward to Friedberg's backgrounds every week 😍👍🏽


If Ukraine were to pursue NATO membership, it's likely to happen only after resolving the conflict with Russia. NATO requires unanimous approval from all 32 member states. Considering approval would invoke Article 5 and conflict with a nuclear power/Russia, several countries, would object. I’d say Hungary, Turkey, Spain, Italy, and Iceland would be a few of my guesses. But many others are likely to share similar concerns and vote against Ukraine's membership. I’d wager a good amount of cash it’s not happening while 155mm shells are being lobbed in Southeastern Europe.


Is Jon ok? He looks super happy to be there 😅


On AI replacing jobs, History does not predict the future. New jobs will get created but AI will be able to learn and do those jobs better than any human can retrain. Beyond that there is a fundamental difference with this change that they are not talking about, we are attempting to replace intelligence. That encapsulates logic, planning, learning, reasoning, the whole human gambit. We are attempting to create something which is on par with humans at a cognitive level and eventually surpasses it. This isn't so much a new technology but an attempt to create our general ability as humans.


sacks keeps saying russia is winning the war, is that really the case, i thought the point of the war was to stop nato expansion and with this war russia caused finaland sweden to join nato and has increased the likelihood of Ukraine joining nato. You could be winning a war in terms of casualties land etc vs an opposing party but the true winner (as much of a winner as war could bring) of a war is the one who achieves his strategic purpose. Those who achieve their strategic purpose or are making progress towards it can outlast and endure, more casualty and destruction than you csn even imagine.


As a world-class math and physics tutor, I started teaching my students to do their arithmetic (which humans are AWFUL at) with Alexa about 5 years ago. Then, integrating Desmos, and online calculators, and now, of course, GPTs. However, the school system considers these tools "cheating", so I'm expecting most teacher will lose their jobs, to be replaced with higher paid, and more professional modern educators. Working with a tutor is essential for learning. Most importantly, one learns to speak properly to the agent (me, Alexa, GPTs) both with proper vocabulary and with logical sentence structures.


Life was so good pre internet ... the 80' and 90's. People relied on each other and good relationships were important. Social media is destroying humans. AI and robots will be worse.


*Chamath's assertion that the AI revolution is no more threatening to jobs than previous technological revolutions is highly unpersuasive. Comparing the birth of automobiles, mobile phones, social media or the internet to the birth of AI is apples and oranges. The difference with AI is that it's the revolution that revolution itself is predicated on, and the rate of advancement it's going to produce is so far beyond previous tech revolutions that it doesn't even compare. It's like saying you could survive falling off a 50 story building just because you survived falling down the stairs.*
