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The sad part, I dated a guy who was like this. They actually do exist!
OK so I just saw part two. My exes family also tried to get me to stay with him. And I also had to threaten with a restraining order to get THEM, the whole family, from bothering me and destroying my stuff. Yeah they were f-ed up. "Oh, so he knocked you out with a little pill, it's not that bad..." - the mother... while she was dating my boyfriend's gradeschool friend. Who was 27 years younger than her, and also someone who she used to pickup and take to kindergarten. Oh and also the mother was sleeping with my exes dad, her ex-husband, for money while she was dating the younger dude! I guess looking back that was a big enough warning sign.
Y'all out there see stuff like this, don't ignore it.


Part 2: After I accused my boyfriend of messing with my cocktails he admitted to putting a couple benadryls in my drink. This mixed with the alcohol was what made me extremely sleepy and caused me to knock out for the whole night. I was furious when he said it. He clearly didn't see a problem with it and even made a joke about how he should do it more often when he doesn't want me pestering him. I freaked out at him and told him that what he did was not only wrong but could also be a crime. I think this scared him a bit because he quickly started apologizing and promising he wouldn't do it again. Obviously I'm not stupid and wasn't gonna stay with someone who would do this to me. I quickly called my family who came rushing over. I packed my things and my brothers kept him in the other room and threatening him to not come around me. I got all my things together with my mom and sister and left him that very day. He wouldn't stop blowing up my phone with apologies and sending sorry gifts to my work. I had to block his number and threaten him with a restraining order if he ever tried to talk me again. I was horrified that someone would go to those lengths and i couldn't trust him after this. He even tried to get his family to text me to get back together with him but when I told them why we broke up they were shocked too. They apologized profusely on his behalf and told me to stay safe


Nope. Nope, nope, FUCK nope. He didn't wave a red flag at you, he wrapped you in the biggest one he could find. No one should a) be comfortable drugging anyone or b) have access to that so easily and randomly?


Time to do my daily binge watching of anacrylics story times again 😂


Damn, the way he just knew how to knock her out and even admit to it, what a psychopath.


Remember fellas you have nothing to worry about when she wants you to talk to her and everything to worry about when she doesn’t feel the need to talk to you.


Girl hope you found some one better you definitely deserve better


Bro if he's willing to not only drug you but then gaslight you about it later he needs to go.

Idon't care if you were being clingy or whatever he wants to say.
that is simply unacceptable and unforgivable behavior. Even if he regrets it and says he won't do it again, there's just no way you can ever trust him anymore.


I wouldn’t even notice I have to take pretty high dose drugs to sleep and those sometimes can’t even knock me out💀


Yeah, this guy is absolutely a criminal and there's no excuse for him to have done that. She was 100% right to leave.

That being said, I don't like being held responsible to tell someone everything I'm doing and keep in contact if I'm doing my own thing, so I hope she backs off and lets her future partner have some freedom. If she truly trusts him, that shouldn't be a problem, and if she's worried whether he's fine or not, she should know that she'll be contacted if something does happen.


Get rid of the guy. Drugging someone is illegal.


POV boyfriend:
'Achievement unlocked - single'


The YouTube comments are more tame, I’ve seen the same audio on TikTok and the comments are disgusting and they’re literally justifying the man.


the part where he asked for a drink before he left reminds me of that one scene from the disney movie, CoCo. If ya know what I mean 👀. like when cruz asks for a drink with that other dude before he left to go home.💀 man that movie is engraved in my head


“We had a pretty trusting relationship”

“Let me tell u about the time my boyfriend put *sleeping pills* in my drink bc I wouldn’t stop texting him trying to check in on him”


I dated a guy who did this. Fast goers forward 9mos. I get beaten. Left and never looked back. That red flag of drugging me, found out more than once, should have been enough. Ladies, dudes too. RUN! This is not love!


That would have been the 'you are now the ex boyfriend' conversation and him leaving the flat. If anyone asked why? Because he drugged me so he could go out and not have me call him.


you should do some nails of sunflowers i am looking for something like that for my sweet 15 in a few months.


That relationship will be over instantly


i was worrying about how recording the videos makes her clients uncomfortable but then I realized she probably has clients but never records them and uses a fake hand😭😭