Nasa launches Parker Solar Probe in mission to ‘touch the sun’

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NASA finally launched its Parker Solar Probe spacecraft on its mission to “touch the sun” today.

The Delta IV rocket carrying the probe blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, this morning, after a series of delays.

The launch had been due to take place yesterday but was dramatically aborted just seconds from lift-off after a last minute technical hitch.

For the second straight day today, thousands of spectators jammed the launch site in the middle of the night as well as surrounding towns.

Among them was 91-year-old astrophysicist Eugene Parker for whom the spacecraft is named, who proposed the existence of solar wind 60 years ago.

"Fly baby girl, fly!!" project scientist Nicola Fox of Johns Hopkins University tweeted just before lift-off, urging it to "go touch the sun!"

The Delta IV Heavy rocket thundered into the pre-dawn darkness, thrilling onlookers for miles around.

Nasa needed the mighty 23-story rocket, plus a third stage, to get the tiny Parker probe the size of a small car and weighing well under a ton racing toward the sun.

The probe, which aims to give Nasa an up-close look at how our nearest and dearest star works, will travel at 430,000 miles an hour - faster than any spacecraft in history.

The probe will use Venus's gravity over the course of it's 93million-miles journey over seven years to gradually bring its orbit closer to "touch the sun", as Nasa calls it.

Of course, the spacecraft won't actually touch the sun – its temperature is a ludicrously toasty 5,500 degrees Celcius, and would instantly destroy any probe.

Instead, it will fly into the sun's atmosphere, where it will observe from a "safe distance" of approximately four million miles away from the star's surface – protected by a "cutting-edge heat shield".

"The spacecraft will provide unprecedented information about our sun, where changing conditions can spread out into the solar system to affect Earth and other worlds," explained Nasa in a statement.

"The spacecraft will trace how energy and heat move through the Sun’s atmosphere and explore what accelerates the solar wind and solar energetic particles."

According to Nasa, this will be the closest-ever observation of a star, travelling through the Sun's atmosphere, or "corona".

The measurements and imaging captured by the Parker Solar Probe will "revolutionise our understanding of the corona and the Sun-Earth connection", Nasa revealed.

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Here's a comment that isn't stupid !! What an amazing sight and accomplishment, every success, let's wait and see..


It would be something else to see the fairing depart leaving a brand new shiny thing headed for the sun what a journey.


All I have to do to touch the sun is go to a post office but NASA have to launch a rocket


We are waiting to see the results from the space ship in 3 months time !! Then the results for the next 7 years each time it orbits the sun. Does that make sense to you ??.. love and peace.xx


They cant even go to the moon and now they are claiming to go to the sun??!!
People wake up!1!


Notice how it went sideways?! How it going into space going sideways?! Stop buying into this crap people!!


This space ship is travelling towards the sun at 430, 000 MPH !!! And use Venus to sling shot it's orbit towards the sun ☀️ at this speed it would take two minutes to go from London to New York !! It will take seven years to go around the sun several times before it gets to its closest orbit. How clever are we ? Peace to the world..


Can't explore our ocean but we can go to space. El oh el. Ok NASA if u say so


Which sun ur channel or the floaty gassy hot blob in the sky


Set the controls for the heart of the sun, who sung that


I guess NASA have got all the answers though! for all us to not completely understand better that huh


they are the biggest liers in the world


All of those brand new, one shot, Delta expendable rockets must have made a terrific splash when they hit the ocean.
They worry about plastic straws and sea turtles, but don't say anything about polluting the ocean with tons and tons of spent rockets and all their associated essential bodily fluids.
Should have used the SpaceX Falcon Heavy. Would have save us taxpayers a lot of money, and we could fly another project, and another project, and so on with the same boosters.
The Delta 4 heavy is a boondoggle, make work, waste of money.


"Sun will get closer to earth or will maximum it heat toward earth with time"
The heat wave is the example

Studying Sun is a challenge.


1:49..clearly going back to earth. Nothing can go past the FLAT EARTH DOME!


Clearly all CGI.
If the rocket was real wouldn't it hit the dome. 😂
In reality this is a moment that makes me feel proud of my species. It's great when we do good things with science.


The fact that they launched this when mars is the closest it has been in years, makes me suspicious....i dont believe its going to the sun


Well at millions of miles I still think it would disintergrate from excessive heat I thought there was radiation and all that seems a bit sketchy don't you think folks.


Maybe it will send back pictures of Heaven and all the little angels flying around..
