Real Ghost Captured on Camera Disturbing our Cats

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Hey everyone. This video was captured during a vacation my mom and I took during last December. We've been holding on to it for our own reasons. I know this is a channel based on film making so it's easy to believe this was altered in some way. Our cats were very aggressive and on edge as soon as we arrived back home. We checked our security camera to see if something unusual happened and to check the footage of our house sitter who is a good friend of mine. Nothing was found besides this disturbing clip.

Something is seen entering one of our rooms which really grabbed our cats attention. Soon after, something moved the door. The camera panned over to the wall and stayed there until we came home (the next night after this video was captured).

Everything was fine besides there were a few books on the floor and a few thick clumps of cat hair spread through out the hallway which is usually a sign of cat fights (which our cats don't do).

It would really help if you all shared this video so it can gain some attention so others can comment on what they see. Our two cats names are Calvin (one by the door) and Daisy (on the bed).
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Cats looking on like “yo you seeing that shit? 💀😂”


Years ago, I was staying at a friend's house and we were sleeping on the sofas in the living room. I woke up at 3am to hearing my friend's 2 cats sounding distressed over something, sat up and turned my head towards the kitchen where they were at, and saw a shadow figure in the hallway, which turned it's head and looked directly at me. I instinctively laid back down, then looked back up and it was gone. Animals sense things, dude. It was affirming to me that the cats were also reacting to something.


I’m prolly the only one here thinking, “Forget the ghost, those poor cats are terrified!”


Winter January 2018: my dead grandparents (dead since 2005 and 2012) said (in my dream?) to me: "Do not go out for today, michael. Stay at home. Make yourself a cosy evening at home-pc". The voice was clearly and loud, as would they say it 1 centimeter close to my left ear. I woke up very scared with hardly bumping hard at this morning. But (sadly) i did not following their advice at evening and wanted to join the family-meeting in neighbour-village at the evening. It was extremely dark & cold outside and the streets were very icy, smooth and reflecting as glas. I decided to drive veeery slowly and carefully. As i entered the neighbour-village, another car drive out the exit of a gas-station, registered me and stopped in middle of the lane.
I braked but kept sliding like I had skates instead of tires. The other car was still standing in my lane. I was sliding into the other car and had an heavy accident.
It taked about 2 hours until police came from next city. Meanwhile a gritter cleaned salted the street multiple times. As the police arrived, the street was dry and at least not more icy.
The police did not believe me, that i was sliding, because the street was not dry and icy. And i had no dashcam. They wanted me to the court because of intentional grievous bodily harm. (In German: schwere Körperverletzung). Because they thought i created that accident intentionally.
I had the big luck, that a witness later confirmed, that the street was very icy and that my brakelights were permanently lighting for over 100 meters. The charges were dropped. But then i had to "fight" with the enemy insurance with my lawyer for over 1 year, until they payed finally the repair for my car.

So i regret that i was not following the advice of my dead grandparents. It was the only time they contacted me, until today.
If they ever are warning me again, i will follow their advice.

Happened in Germany. I hope i have translated it good.
I do not know if they were in my dream or if they were as ghosts directly at my ear. I think both are possible.


this is gold absolute gold. a cat video AND a ghost video. pinnacle of interwebz.


Poor babies were so scared😢 I hope they are not left alone again


Real or fake, the cat on the bed deserves an oscar. It stood on its back haunches for the entire video.


my first thought was that there is a real person in the house and that, to me, is more scary than a ghost!


I’m a grown man and watching that video gave me frigging goosebumps. If it’s fake, and I’m perfectly willing to accept it was all digital manipulation then bravo mission accomplished. If it’s the real deal then cue the bumps again. I just can’t see how you can train cats to deliver a performance like that.


The cat stood up in bed like thinking “What the f&ck!”.


As a child I experienced movements like that from an unseen entity in our house, sounds of footsteps, dresser drawers and closet doors opening on their own. But my parents never believed me.


Poor kitties, they were so scared. I hope you never leave them alone at night.❤


The other cat came into the room like "Okay, wtf was that?"


Plot twist: those cats are paid actors.


Animals often see something that we don't, we shouldn't take their distress for granted.


I ain't gunna lie i got scared when I saw the little kitty pop out the corner 😅🐈


That “cat” is definitely some kind of meerkat hybrid lol


Animals can always sense when something is not right. 😽💫


The house sitter stealing your cereal.


Damn, if i saw my cat standing like that, I'd get freaked out cz nothing gets the cat on it's feet like that unless it's something the cat can't see and is scared and stressed
