John Deere Model A: An American Icon and Workhorse

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Today we talk about the John Deere model A. I you like farm equipment or history you will know this tractor. Thanks for watching and supporting the channels.

Gear I use

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Both are good, original shows the many hours of work the tractor has done. A restored tractor with the new Green and Yellow paint is a tribute to the people who built them! Nothing Runs Like A Deere


I grew up on JD 2 cylinders as did all my family. Even extended family. The story goes, when my family decided to leave farming with horses behind, they were headed to the nearest dealership which happened to be Farmall (International), and along the way there, a road was flooded. So, they turned around and the next closest dealership was Deere. And that's how we became a John Deere family. My great grandfather started off with an unstyled B and the next tractor he bought was a 1937 unstyled A. I have the A and my uncle has the B. Long story short, the family collection is around 60 two cylinder John Deere's of which I own 15. They're an amazing engineering marvel for their time.


In the '60s, my family acquired a 1937 A as surplus from the local High school ag/FFA. One day, I was slowly moving thru a weedy woodlot and a rear wheel went over an unseen stump. Almost fell over!! In the late 70s, it went to a member of my mother's family, and was eventually restored! It can sometimes be seen at farm equipment shows in Southern Indiana.


Thanks for this video.I love this tractors.


my neighbor had an old A under a lean to that his dad had. When he decided to restore it, he found it was an experimental run of 12 that had gotten lost back from Lincoln, Ne tractor test. Many of the casting numbers were the date in 1934 when it was poured!


As someone who grew up running a 1952 Model A (we also had a 1952 Model B) I can attest that the A would most definitely pull a 3 bottom 14 inch plow in 3rd or 4th gear depending on soil type & conditions. I did it many many years. Great video and yes we still have both tractors.


Great video! To answer your question at the end: if the paint is decent and not too rusted, I say leave it be, but if it’s to the point of rotting, then I’d paint it just to protect the metal from deteriorating any further.


I went to an auction the other day to buy a John Deere Model D and a Model A was being auctioned just in front of it - was not bringing very much so I felt like I had to bid it up because the price was so low (it was sitting at $700 with no bid) so long story short I ended up with it - got it for $1, 250 and I also ended up getting the D as well. It's a 1949 in good shape, the owner was 91 years old and at one time he had 21 John Deere Tractors and kept his favorite 4 but at 91 and with his health it was time for him to get rid of the last 4 so I ended up with two of them. I now have 6 John Deere tractors plus a John Deere Hit and Miss Engie. The A starts right up and sounds great (he put a straight pipe on it with no traditional exhaust) - it does need some attention here and there but is overall a great tractor and I'm glad I ended up with it. Thanks for the video - I learned a lot about the model A from this.


Cushions? Boy back in my day we had hard steel seats and Happy to have it


great video and nice details! I never knew there were so many variations of the A


Growing up on the farm we had a Model A John Deere tractor. Dad & I installed a buzz saw on the front on it. We cut tons of fire wood with it!


We have both a late style A and also a B. I like the A for the added horsepower. Our A has the two-stick transmission, which I enjoy over the single stick (I know most would disagree with that) The unstyled A's have always been appealing to me as well.


I grew up on a styled A modle and it really brings back so many momories of working the farm as a kid. Cutting hay, bush hoging, breaking ground, disking and pulling a hay wagon. I even used it to break up a fight between our bull and a neighbors bull that had gotten into our field.
Well, those were the days.


Love the big green love the old A’s and B’s


Grew up on a G John Deere. Have no hearing to prove it. Especially my left ear from looking back over my shoulder while plowing..the deere two banger was definitely loud.


Very informative, thanks for the information Locust motorworks


I would like to see the history of the model M. You do a very good job in your reviews. Keep up the good work


My neighbor was in late 70's with 2, 4440s, beautiful tractors, well the 80 brought in high interest, the bottom fell out of values, and the next thing he was farming with was a 4320 and JD, A . He down sized, got the job done and survived!!! That A rolled its way into the 80s, can't keep a good old girl down !!!


Patina is cool for a tractor in use. Parade tractors can be whatever you like.


I own a 1944 Styled AW. I have kept it all original. I have used it a little around the property to pull logs etc. but being it has the wide front, it doesn't turn very well. So, I tend to use my 1942 Styled B more. And the B is easier to start! Great Video. Thank You.
