grouper ❍ poison tree

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Inca Ore / Grouper by Inca Ore & Grouper, 2007.

Throwin’ poison seeds into the wind
Make the poison tree to grow in me begin
Let your branches fork my veins
Let your honey tide in me
Little lovin’, poison whisperin’

Oh, beautiful poison tree
Let your power grow in me
Let your sorrow flow in me
Take away my blood and bones
Make your flowers deep inside of me

Least I’ll still have company
My inside, tiny poison tree
I’ll seal my love in me
Tiny beautiful poison tree

Oh, beautiful poison tree
Let your power grow in me
Let your sorrows sow in me
Turn me into a poison tree

Turn me into a poison tree
Make my shadow go away
Make my branches strong and hard
Make my leaves flowers and spread
Make me feel like something powerful is growing deep inside of me
Turn me into a poison tree
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Hard to pick a favorite Grouper song, but I think this one affects me the most. Enthralling stuff


EXCELLENT choice of early Liz! i was listening to this over the weekend as well. so comfortably hypnotizing.


could you make a one hour version of this pls? :)


Why this song makes me feel that there's real witchcraft in it???


*1 minuto, por favor...*

Jesus Cristo está voltando! Se entreguem a Ele de corpo e espírito, Ele ama você! Não se distancie do verdadeiro amor, o fardo Dele é leve, e estar com Ele é uma dádiva, um presente imensurável, não deixe que o seu coração endureça. Siga o caminho Dele e você verá como a sua vida será diferente. Abandone a fé em si mesmo e deposite a sua fé e confiança em Jesus Cristo o Senhor. Que Deus te guarde irmão (a). 💌
