Joe Rogan on How to Train a Crow

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"oh this person gives gifts, ill show them a real gift"
Brings back a rusty bolt


My great Grandpa found one with only 1 leg, dying on the sidewalk, took it home, and made it a prosthetic leg. It would fly to his 9th floor window and bring him gifts, then it started to show up with other crows. It was nearly 30yrs ago, I remember every time I was over, we'd sit by the window and wait to see what they'd bring. I really miss him


"And if you keep giving it gifts, *it will start attacking your enemies!"*

That escalated very quickly.


I've been feeding at least 3 generations of crows in my outside of city limits suburb. They provide me with so much joy and entertainment. They way they walk or sit on my phone lines. They have a favorite dead tree that they perch on across the road. They glide down when I throw them scraps, dog food, or snacks specifically for them


I used to feed a pack of crows in the exact same spot on a field everyday while wearing a big red coat, eventually they started recognising me when i would come out the woods and they would all fly over to the spot they knew i would feed them at. They were all lined up and if would sit on the field they would form a circle around me.

I miss my crow army, they were cool.




It worked for me.

I worked as a security guard. Sat in a guard shack by myself dealing with trucks coming to take new cars away.

I’d see 2 crows every day so I started throwing food out to them. Every work day I’d bring food and share it with them. And they learned my car and my hours. They only showed about 2 if I didn’t drive up before that.

Soon I was feeding like 7. Then 20. It leveled out after several months at around 30.

I’d defend them from seagulls but made them be nice to the smaller birds who only wanted the crumbs.

2 years of this and then my manager lost us the account and I got transferred out. My supervisor though was offered $3 more an hour if he stayed, so he did.

And he told me the crows showed every day at 2 and he’d throw some food out for them.

I’d sometimes stop in on my way home ( because I worked 10 miles away 4 -12p) and the crows would see my car and they make a HUGE production of crowing. And I’d feed them.

The gal who replaced me at that spot HATED birds of every kind and she’d yell and throw things at the crows. But she was also always at odds with the supervisor and that he smoked ( even outside only smoking bothered her. So she’d have yelling matches with him.

Plus she yelled at me about the crows one time when I had stayed for too long a visit.

The crows would see this and would shit all over her car. They find berries and drop them on the car. Clods of dirt as well.

She requested to be moved to a different location but same hours and the found her and kept it up. Those crows just hated her.

She finally had to go to night shift.


I have been feeding crows for years and while I've never received gifts, they did come to my back window and give me a warning call before an angry neighbor came pounding on my door. I've chased away coyotes and helped one of their babies and they've come to trust me. They greet me all around the neighborhood. Very fun and sweet friends to have.


So basically crows were the medieval version of attack drones. Dame.


there was a crow in my neighbourhood that purposely antagonized cats to get them to chase it, and once they were super furious and not pay attention, the crow would wait for a car and time it so the car hits them as they chase it. I lived there for a decade and we had several dead cats on that street per year. I saw it happen in real time once when I was going to my car. It was wild.


Guest: it will start attacking your enemies.
Joe: yes. 🐦‍⬛🗿


Some guy did this and his crow started bringing him human teeth as gifts.


My son when he was 5 had a pet crow it loved him so much it was that funny aeing it fly iver to him and he would have food in his hand for him


Crows are one of the coolest birds out there man


This is how I see it. Being nice has its advantages. You show a creature like a crow respect, and that you mean it no harm, it will respect you and treat you as a friend.


I gonna start training the crows around the job right now😊


I've always like crows and ravens. Now I love them.


Fun fact crows and owls have one of the most intense rivalries in all the animal kingdom they are constantly at war with one another. The owls attack at night dive bomb the crows and take out a whole family in an instant. The crows look for owls during the day


I will always stop and stare at a crow. Such a magestic bird


Can confirm. I used to feed the birds in the local park on my lunch break. There were about 2-3 crows at the time I used to feed. Like clock work they would decend when I got to the park with bits and pieces in their mouths, like paying for the food. I did it for 10 years and all the crows in that park knew me; even when I visited on random days. It was awesome.
